we talk about recent trash all the time , lets take it to the 80s 90s and if u want even 2000s whats a iconic song from these time windows that you cant stand any genre
this a random one but i h8 ts
this a random one but i h8 ts
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AiwvPmRTv6M&pp=ygUPYmlnIHB1biBmYXQgam9l???? Bro
UOENO hands down
I think Beethoven's 5th symphony was pretty mid, like he could've did better than them same played out sounds he used in his last couple symphonies,
I honestly don't even know why anyone rates him, it's like he has no ear for music.
Mad overrated in my opinion.
He could never mess with the Wolfgang though, frfr on some RNS
Every popular Nirvana song
Every popular Nirvana song
hell nah
sorry bro but your takes on this specific subject are really bad @op
sorry bro but your takes on this specific subject are really bad @op
wym lmao
is it cause i hate hips dont lie? fuc that song
wym lmao
that one shakira song fn
is it cause i hate hips dont lie? fuc that song
that one shakira song fn
that s*** is bullshit!
whats yours
whats yours
hate is a strong word but i never really got the hype for mr brightside at all
Anything Boyz II Men
hate is a strong word but i never really got the hype for mr brightside at all
actually thats valid