We really f***ing won actually
Midnights is a collage of intensity, highs and lows and ebbs and flows. Life can be dark, starry, cloudy, terrifying, electrifying, hot, cold, romantic or lonely. Just like Midnights. Which is out now
This s*** had me dying with the shameless promotion in the tweet
https://twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/1583307638716055552The real story here is that Sounwave won
Midnights is a collage of intensity, highs and lows and ebbs and flows. Life can be dark, starry, cloudy, terrifying, electrifying, hot, cold, romantic or lonely. Just like Midnights. Which is out now
A collection of nightmares, thoughts, and real-life situations I've lived
17 is the number tattooed on the right side of my head
My own personal number
Soon to be explained in future interviews or instances
By listening to this album, you are literally
And I cannot stress this enough, literally entering my mind
And if you are not willing to accept my emotion and hear my words fully, do not listen
I do not value your money; I value your acceptance and loyalty
Here is my pain and thoughts put into words
I put my all into this
In the hopes that it will help cure, or at least numb your depression
I love you, thank you for listening
if her tour debacle is the one thing that finally raise enough attention & led to ticketmaster being broken up, then she should be praised as the saint of the music world for the rest of time
Her flexing the 2.4 million mid statement is hilarious
She did not have to put that number in that at all but wanted to flex
I’m down to let Ticketmaster/live nation get away with this and just bully Taylor about it
if her tour debacle is the one thing that finally raise enough attention & led to ticketmaster being broken up, then she should be praised as the saint of the music world for the rest of time
If she breaks up Ticketmaster, it will just be replaced with Ticketmastertaylorsversion.com
Someone's daughter got f***ed over by TM and now the justice dept stepping in lol
Hope they bankrupt those f***ers