No mandates in Virginia for most stores, but nobody judges you for wearing or not wearing a mask out here
Most employees wear mask though.
I'm in LA and most people don't make a big deal out of wearing a mask because it's not. People overblow this s*** way too much and they sound like b****es.
in NYC they won't let you into establishments without one. some places will have masks in front for anyone who comes in without one
I've been on the elevator in my building and someone gets on maskless but when they see me they're like "oh shoot I forgot mine" and run back to their apartment
In Florida do people press you if you do wear a mask? Serious question. They basically are different countries btw, USA is 50 countries in a trench coat.
No one presses you. Some folks get defensive if you shame them for not wearing one.
No mandates in Virginia for most stores, but nobody judges you for wearing or not wearing a mask out here
Most employees wear mask though.
I’ve seen there’s a big difference between where in Virginia, more south no one really gives a s*** but in Northern VA it would be weird not to wear one
I’ve seen there’s a big difference between where in Virginia, more south no one really gives a s*** but in Northern VA it would be weird not to wear one
Yeah. I'm in Southern VA (757). I know NOVA would be wearing masks more.
I'm in LA and most people don't make a big deal out of wearing a mask because it's not. People overblow this s*** way too much and they sound like b****es.
Everyone wears masks
Why not? You don’t get sick and it doesn’t stop anything for you
It stops me from knowing which b****es to pull
Sike its the same as before covid
I’m pretty constantly the only person wearing a mask in a given place in Indianapolis. Being in New York earlier this year was such a cathartic feeling of not getting looks just for walking around a f***ing grocery store.
It’s literally the least you can do at this point and somehow half the country has decided they feel oppressed by it. I was just reading the comments on Tycho’s latest IG post where people are calling it the great reset because he’d like you to be vaccinated and wear a mask at his NYE shows. I just don’t have the energy to argue anymore man.
You have to wear a mask to walk in then it's up to you if you wanna keep it on or not tbh
Then what’s the point
My state requires masks in all indoor public spaces but businesses pretty much make up their own rules. Like the other month I went into a UPS to drop off a package and I forgot to put on my mask but no one said anything to me. I even asked if they wanted me to wear one cause I could have easily turned around and got it out of my car but they said it was fine.
Also my gym doesn't enforce the rule at all. When I was signing up the manager even said if the state starts cracking down on it then he'll just ask people to wear them while walking in but they can take them off once inside
Then what’s the point
The point is that they dont get closed for noncompliance