  • Tadow 🥀
    Dec 26, 2021
    1 reply

    I wear one where required and don't complain about it

  • Dec 26, 2021

    i mean...we just wear the mask
    but right before I left there was this covid outbreak goin on on campus, one nigga who lived in my suite even caught that s*** but thankfully i aint get sick and masks were worn way more frequently there cause its a college campus

    the more interesting question is what its like living in a state that doesn't have one, i was on ft w my homie from NC and he was in a store where no one (including him) was wearing a mask

  • Dec 26, 2021

    I wear one where required and don't complain about it

  • Dec 26, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s very easy. You just hook it around each ear then stretch it to cover your nose and mouth

  • Dec 26, 2021

    I live in Texas and nobody wears them here tbh. Do people like judge people if they forget them and stuff?


  • Dec 26, 2021

    Wear a mask

  • Dec 26, 2021
    1 reply

    I live in a state where there’s VACCINE mandates

    we on a whole different level op

  • Dec 26, 2021

    If you judge someone for wearing a mask you should be choked out and I’m not kidding.

  • Dec 26, 2021

    People in America view masking as a form or tribal signaling, i.e. mask = left wing no mask = right wing. If you look at the smart countries that don't politicize public health, like Israel and Japan, literally no one thinks wearing a mask is a political statement. Since the USA is a stupid country now, we should just copy what they do.

  • Dec 26, 2021

    Go back

  • wear one if you want
    don't if you don't wanna

  • Dec 26, 2021
    1 reply

    People in America view masking as a form or tribal signaling, i.e. mask = left wing no mask = right wing. If you look at the smart countries that don't politicize public health, like Israel and Japan, literally no one thinks wearing a mask is a political statement. Since the USA is a stupid country now, we should just copy what they do.

    We're too stupid to copy sanity though.

  • Dec 26, 2021

    wouldnt know

  • Dec 26, 2021

    We're too stupid to copy sanity though.

    Indeed, and we’re proud of our stupidity.

  • Dec 26, 2021

    We've have mask mandates in Ontario from the jump and I honestly don't mind.

    A very small minority here still have their public freakouts over masks. Everyone else just does it and keeps it moving.

  • Dec 26, 2021

    Pro vaccine , but don’t think the masks are necessary anymore. What’s the point of vaccines if we still have to mask up. I’m vaccinated I’m not masking up

  • Dec 26, 2021

    masks are required indoors here its pretty annoying, at bars/clubs they make u wear one thru the door but no one has them on inside, i got covid at a bar a few weeks ago lol

  • Dec 26, 2021

    yep, and it feels good being covid free

  • Dec 26, 2021

    Feels good living where people give a s*** about the greater good. Feels good not being a selfish a****** because it’s SO HARD to wear a small piece of fabric for 20 minutes at the grocery store. Feels good to not put my family and friends at risk of dying because my FREEDOMS ARE GETTING TAKEN AWAY.

    Ya know, history won’t be kind to you losers who thought of yourself instead of the greater good and your fellow man. The losers don’t often care. But it feels good knowing I did my part to take care of my family and friends and people I don’t even know by doing easy things like masks and vaccines.

  • Dec 26, 2021

    People in America view masking as a form or tribal signaling, i.e. mask = left wing no mask = right wing. If you look at the smart countries that don't politicize public health, like Israel and Japan, literally no one thinks wearing a mask is a political statement. Since the USA is a stupid country now, we should just copy what they do.


  • Dec 26, 2021

    we obviously should, but people here are too individualistic and stupid.

    it is what it is, we're gonna pay for it sooner or later. We're repeating all of the s*** that started the Great Depression and WW2 so we're gonna get our ass handed to us.

  • Dec 26, 2021

    This is exactly how it is in Virginia. Half the population wears it , half dont. But nobody gives a f***.

    Texas and Florida are more of an extreme where you’re looked at as crazy for wearing one.

    Then California and NYC is the opposite end, not wearing makes you a freakazoids.

    There's plenty of people not wearing them in NYC

  • Dec 26, 2021

    When you go inside a business or whatever you put on a mask

    It’s 1984

  • Dec 26, 2021

    Well it's like states where people don't wear masks except people are wearing masks more
