What's on Your Mind

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  • I need to stop vaping holy f*** how did this even happen to me I used to get coked out and chain smoke cigarettes and have no urge when I got sober

    But I hit the vape all day every day and it f***s up my appetite and makes me feel blah and it makes me not wanna smoke weed I just hit this all day

  • Mar 11, 2023
    1 reply

    my girlfriend drinks but shes not a "drinker"
    she will legit babysit a drink for 3-4 hours. ONE drink.

    and this is at home mind you. not when we are out. she wants to go out more than stay in and she asks if id like to go to a bar with her but.....no. if you cant even do some trial runs at the crib and make fun happen there, if you NEED to go outside just to feel the "vibe" in order to not have a drink in ur hands for 2 hours then she can do that with her friends/family. she just gonna end up doin the same s*** regardless. be on her phone scrollin too hard, not engaging, or just semi dancing while not drinking. either way, dont involve me.

    gets even more annoying when she acts like shes gonna drink with me at home and specifically requests s*** to drink that i buy and she doesnt drink it. then gets a lil buthurt when i leave the house at like 11 or midnight cuz aint s*** movin at home. f*** am i really doin wit u besides drinking alone? i would (and do much rather go to a bar and read s*** on my phone than stay home and do that while she pump fakes.

    f*** that s***. either be sober or at least follow social standards and drink your f***ing drink. especially if you didnt pay for it but asked for it.

  • Mar 11, 2023

    Man it’s 2023 and I still can’t look at or listen to Mac without my heart dropping. RIP that guy forever dude.

  • Mar 11, 2023
    1 reply

    my girlfriend drinks but shes not a "drinker"
    she will legit babysit a drink for 3-4 hours. ONE drink.

    and this is at home mind you. not when we are out. she wants to go out more than stay in and she asks if id like to go to a bar with her but.....no. if you cant even do some trial runs at the crib and make fun happen there, if you NEED to go outside just to feel the "vibe" in order to not have a drink in ur hands for 2 hours then she can do that with her friends/family. she just gonna end up doin the same s*** regardless. be on her phone scrollin too hard, not engaging, or just semi dancing while not drinking. either way, dont involve me.

    gets even more annoying when she acts like shes gonna drink with me at home and specifically requests s*** to drink that i buy and she doesnt drink it. then gets a lil buthurt when i leave the house at like 11 or midnight cuz aint s*** movin at home. f*** am i really doin wit u besides drinking alone? i would (and do much rather go to a bar and read s*** on my phone than stay home and do that while she pump fakes.

    f*** that s***. either be sober or at least follow social standards and drink your f***ing drink. especially if you didnt pay for it but asked for it.

    tell her this bro

  • Mar 11, 2023

    Think I’m gonna grow a beard again but I dislike how intimidating I feel I appear

  • Mar 11, 2023
    2 replies

    Smoking really gives me the craziest anxiety. I think I’m about to just come off it forever. Not like I do it often anyways but I think I’m at the point where I’m not missing anything from it leaving it behind

  • Mar 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Smoking really gives me the craziest anxiety. I think I’m about to just come off it forever. Not like I do it often anyways but I think I’m at the point where I’m not missing anything from it leaving it behind

    Good your leaving it behind
    Same thing happened to me

  • gotta get my brows done tm

  • Mar 11, 2023

    Good your leaving it behind
    Same thing happened to me

    I’ve had my good times with it just don’t need it anymore :)

  • I just found out about WeChat

    China really a different world some black mirror stuff foreal

  • I wish I lived somewhere more secluded; i dream of having a quiet place in like Idaho, the dakotas, Wyoming preferably with a basement or place I could have loud ass speakers and really make a home space I could just chill tf out at

    Tired of cramped big city living

  • Mar 11, 2023
    2 replies

  • Mar 11, 2023

  • Mar 11, 2023

    tell her this bro

    first n foremost, appreciate you takin the time to reply.

    i have told her this and she insist that she doesnt feel energetic enough at home to drink and be "fun". she has fun outside. cept the same s*** happens then. one drink for 2 hours then a half one and she insist that shes cool while the whole time shes recording for insta. s***s annoying.

    idk any guy personally who wants to go out with a girl and have her record s*** for the gram or tik tok. but it is what it is.

    i visit my local watering hole and have drunk-ish convos with some women there occasionally. nothing sus, just want that type of energy.

  • Mar 11, 2023

    Should’ve watched scream instead

  • KFA 🏛️
    Mar 11, 2023

    I hate that sinking feeling that I sometimes get from anxiety. Especially when I’m walking, it literary feels like you’re sinking/floating away

  • Mar 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Smoking really gives me the craziest anxiety. I think I’m about to just come off it forever. Not like I do it often anyways but I think I’m at the point where I’m not missing anything from it leaving it behind

    Start doing x****

  • KFA 🏛️
    Mar 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Start doing x****

    Numbing d**** related problems with d****

  • Mar 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Numbing d**** related problems with d****

    I did this with alcohol

  • Mar 11, 2023

    Well like to stop drinking but

  • KFA 🏛️
    Mar 11, 2023

    I did this with alcohol

    Did it too, drank loads of craft beer for the taste of it, at least that was what I told everyone.

    It worked for my anxiety but the day after I got even more anxious

    Had to quit alcohol. Haven’t drank since New Year’s Eve, except for one time during a date

  • Mar 11, 2023
  • KFA 🏛️
    Mar 11, 2023

    Everything was so much easier when we were kids