Sometimes when I listen to my music I hate my voice and it ruins everything other times it don't rly bother me
Sometimes when I listen to my music I hate my voice and it ruins everything other times it don't rly bother me
One thing for sure is the potential is 10/10 next juice wrld type s***
I'm trying out this going out alone s*** s/o @PhilipMorris for the idea
Alrdy ran into some friends but they had different plans
Finna hit the strip club later. Can't wait
I'm trying out this going out alone s*** s/o @PhilipMorris for the idea
That’s what’s up. You will learn and grow from it. Even if you don’t get anything out of it the first time, the point is to just keep doing it and you will inevitably find some cool people before long. I firmly believe that
That’s what’s up. You will learn and grow from it. Even if you don’t get anything out of it the first time, the point is to just keep doing it and you will inevitably find some cool people before long. I firmly believe that
Word yea I didn't rly meet any new ppl, ran into some old friends, but it was fun regardless, better than being home on a Friday night. My f***ing friends are lame tho they keep saying they don't wanna go out, but they Not doing anything fun
I think there’s genuinely something wrong with people that have Drake as “summer music”
Deadass must have Alzheimers or some s***
I have these breakfast bars in my kitchen yet EVERY day I walk past the kitchen and go out for breakfast like they aren't there
I wanna talk about the real reason the liberal order exists so bad but people will just write it off as bigotry
Writing a true history of humanity; a complete record, from birth to death, of the inner and outer lives of every individual who has ever lived and who ever will live.
Hey @SonicNirvana use this link instead, the one you used has your actual IG handle in it