my mind is endgame art
like the ideas i have are near perfection
i have this idea for a anime, inspired by hinduism, where characters are incarnations of higher spirits, the vision is beauty incarnate, the animation, characters, fight scenes, its all endgame s***, like better than one piece
The dog in me will never die.
I'll be 88 going harder than mothafuckas 60 years younger than me.
Does anybody else follow a pretty strict routine but as a result feel a little too boring eventually?
I mean its a pretty easy fix obviously
Does anybody else follow a pretty strict routine but as a result feel a little too boring eventually?
I mean its a pretty easy fix obviously
switch up your routine, and you'll find it less monotonous or going through the motions type of feeling.
The dog in me will never die.
I'll be 88 going harder than mothafuckas 60 years younger than me.
How often you workout bro?
Last time i watched the super bowl i was in a rehab clinic, it was a great time, why the f*** is life in rehab better than my actual life
How often you workout bro?
If we talking lifting weights then 3x a week.
If we talking calisthenics on top of that...6x a week.
Can't wait until it gets warm so I can do more cardio outside.
F*** doing cardio in the winter
Does anybody else follow a pretty strict routine but as a result feel a little too boring eventually?
I mean its a pretty easy fix obviously
Time to up the ante or change the script.
Look into treating this game called life into an experiment and become a scientist with it all.
member of the miltary by day....
sports betting with AI degen, gym rat, hardcore hip hop connoisseur, book worm, and boomer shooter aficionado by night.
Made mula off the eagles tonight and didn't watch a f***ing thing
One of the most awkward Super Bowl parties I've ever been to...
Think I'm just going to watch the game alone from now on.