Don't sweat it if you can't help with this but I'm shook and need some insight:
Was riding the train home and when I got off my elbow that was pressed up against the side of the train was wet.
Not soaked
A film of water was on it that dissipated quickly once I was outside. Felt like condensation and the AC was running/it was cold in there but I've never encountered that before and now I'm shook my elbow was in something f***ed up.
Do you think that was most likely condensation? Is that even possible?
No jokes please, I deal with crippling OCD and this is f***ing me up
Does anybody else constantly think
What if I was born in ancient Egypt, or Tran era Vietnam, or an Apache horseback rider in the southwest , or an Ethiopian farmer, or a medieval Danish peasant, Inuit fisherman, Venetian priest, etc
Like that could've just been your roll of the dice. except you're born now and you're blessed with the accumulation of human knowledge and technology to learn more about all of these cultures and times than was ever possible
You could've even been born when the only technology of any kind ANYONE had were these s***s -- because thats how it was for most of our species existence...
Then what
I haven’t made a beat all year
Definitely in a better spot than I was last year mentally though
drunk a monster energy drink to get through the shift yesterday evening now I’m up at 5 am like college days
drunk a monster energy drink to get through the shift yesterday evening now I’m up at 5 am like college days
I gotta fix my YouTube algorithm bruh
I don't gatekeep, I want everybody to eat.
Does anybody else constantly think
What if I was born in ancient Egypt, or Tran era Vietnam, or an Apache horseback rider in the southwest , or an Ethiopian farmer, or a medieval Danish peasant, Inuit fisherman, Venetian priest, etc
Like that could've just been your roll of the dice. except you're born now and you're blessed with the accumulation of human knowledge and technology to learn more about all of these cultures and times than was ever possible
You could've even been born when the only technology of any kind ANYONE had were these s***s -- because thats how it was for most of our species existence...
Then what
The psychological and biological side to this is fascinating. We live so differently now, i wonder how we will evolve from this point on
i'm a piece of s***
The psychological and biological side to this is fascinating. We live so differently now, i wonder how we will evolve from this point on
We live differently now but the exact human anatomy we're currently rocking with has been around for at least 300k years. You could've been born with the exact same brain and body 300,000 years ago. There's really no biological difference between us and cavemen (other than the nasty side effects of living in industrial modernity) . The difference is that we've accumulated more information and technology. We like to act all enlightened today but we're all still caveman-brained and the powers that be truly understand this and exploit it fully. We're scared. We're hungry. We bare our teeth. We're h****.
Creationism really isnt even that crazy because if you're telling me we all just up and transformed from monkeys at one point, when did the soul come along. Monkeys are clearly animated with some sort of anima but they're not conscious like a human. A monkey can't know right and wrong or truly love.
Someone or some thing clearly saw humans and said nah you're special, imma bless you with the ability to ponder your own existence but its still up to you if you do it or not
We live differently now but the exact human anatomy we're currently rocking with has been around for at least 300k years. You could've been born with the exact same brain and body 300,000 years ago. There's really no biological difference between us and cavemen (other than the nasty side effects of living in industrial modernity) . The difference is that we've accumulated more information and technology. We like to act all enlightened today but we're all still caveman-brained and the powers that be truly understand this and exploit it fully. We're scared. We're hungry. We bare our teeth. We're h****.
Yea but what about mathematicians? Programmers? The practice of being a critical thinker has to have evolutionary effects, even if not via natural selection we are still forced to evolve
Yea but what about mathematicians? Programmers? The practice of being a critical thinker has to have evolutionary effects, even if not via natural selection we are still forced to evolve
Yeah I think maybe if its not evolutionary in the traditional sense of the word, but more humans thinking harder about more stuff has been our "evolutionary" trajectory since we became full H****Sapiens and its clearly changing us. I think it is spiritual tbh. Because, even though im skeptical of science, I do believe the anthropological consensus that if you were to hypothetically go back in time 10,000 years to the Sahara desert when it was lush and green, steal and newborn, bring him back to America, he'd learn english just fine and be normal. And conversely, if you dropped a freshly born baby off somewhere in the stone age, he'd never learn language or have any knowledge of the modern world or be any more brilliant than other cavemen
All that to say I agree with you -- humans just grinding complex thoughts with the help of highly developed languages and technologies had to have had a confounding effect on our consciousness that we share, even if it didnt necessarily change our genetics.
Yeah I think maybe if its not evolutionary in the traditional sense of the word, but more humans thinking harder about more stuff has been our "evolutionary" trajectory since we became full H****Sapiens and its clearly changing us. I think it is spiritual tbh. Because, even though im skeptical of science, I do believe the anthropological consensus that if you were to hypothetically go back in time 10,000 years to the Sahara desert when it was lush and green, steal and newborn, bring him back to America, he'd learn english just fine and be normal. And conversely, if you dropped a freshly born baby off somewhere in the stone age, he'd never learn language or have any knowledge of the modern world or be any more brilliant than other cavemen
All that to say I agree with you -- humans just grinding complex thoughts with the help of highly developed languages and technologies had to have had a confounding effect on our consciousness that we share, even if it didnt necessarily change our genetics.
Yea im a biologist and its blatantly obvious that organisms dont just develop due to genetics. Environment is just as important. 2 people have the same genes and live entirely different lives even if they have the same upbringing (i.e. twins)
This is something we really want to understand. The stochasticity of biological organisms ia fascinating. Minute differences in gene expression/epigenetics can have mqssive effects induced by environment
This is something we really want to understand. The stochasticity of biological organisms ia fascinating. Minute differences in gene expression/epigenetics can have mqssive effects induced by environment
So you'd say on a basic level something is kinda guiding us along
That's my reconciliation of evolution and consciousness tbh. Like the evidence of our ancestry is there but I think the seed was planted a long time ago and we've only recently started to nurture it's growth, and even then it's not a straight linear path / we can go backwards
So you'd say on a basic level something is kinda guiding us along
That's my reconciliation of evolution and consciousness tbh. Like the evidence of our ancestry is there but I think the seed was planted a long time ago and we've only recently started to nurture it's growth, and even then it's not a straight linear path / we can go backwards
yea i mean thats the idea behind evolution right, the guide is environment, and we are forced to evolve via natural selection, because survival is so hard that only the smart and strong can make it
now that has been entirely destroyed in recent millenia. its actually plausible to argue that the entire idea of darwinism is completely wrong. same with mendelian genetics. its a vast oversimplification of how evolution works. much of development is just epigenetics/environment instead of some hardwired code like genes. natural selection only works assuming the environment is sufficiently dangerous to force only the strong to survive. but there are plenty of instances where evolution happens even if this isnt true.
evolution i think is driven by randomness. even if you randomly inherit a trait that is bad, you can still survive and pass the trait on, and eventually it might be useful. this diversity in biology is the key to evolution. this is why our destruction of the environment is so disgusting, we are literally stalling evolution in a way that hasnt been seen in millions of years
as for consciousness, this is something i cannot speak on with certainty. how much of our personality is based on something beyond biology? no one knows. does consciousness drive evolution? certainly via action, but via anything deeper than action idk
heres a really crazy hypothesis
what if cells are alive? what if they are conscious? what if two cells with the same genes and environment are still different because theyre consciously deciding how to respond to environment/genes/emotions/thoughts?
as a scientist i can confirm that if someone did this experiment and found something interesting, it probably wouldnt become mainstream science, because scientists are very dogmatic, they wont believe anything that doesnt fit into the paradigm set by their elders. the elders being materialistic, esoteric types who reject god or spirit
I think the more complex a system, the higher its consciousness level, so a cell could be conscious but in a way we could never understand, same with flies or other small animals
The higher ur consciousness level, the more autonomy u have. This might be the purpose of life itself. To reach such complexity we come closer to the consciousness that created us, he can relate to us more, this makes him pleased
I think the more complex a system, the higher its consciousness level, so a cell could be conscious but in a way we could never understand, same with flies or other small animals
The higher ur consciousness level, the more autonomy u have. This might be the purpose of life itself. To reach such complexity we come closer to the consciousness that created us, he can relate to us more, this makes him pleased
off the tussin again?
on real tho i feel like wer'e all a part of this gigantic thing that is moving towards something and we move smaller distances within that larger one
off the tussin again?
Lmao nah when im sober i still think about this s*** a lot
And i did take a shower off the tussin, was amazing as prescribed
on real tho i feel like wer'e all a part of this gigantic thing that is moving towards something and we move smaller distances within that larger one
I think god experiences thru us. Thats what they mean when they say all is one. Consciousness is a field like the electromagnetic waves, and the entire field is the domain of the mind of god
Real estate agent I made 4 videos for ghosting me after asking for payment
Delivered the last video in december. Lesson learned
Real estate agent I made 4 videos for ghosting me after asking for payment
Delivered the last video in december. Lesson learned
half now half later at least when you're freelancing like that my dude. Sorry tho