@S @Ellinia this man needs serious help and a time out for his own good, pls do something
idgaf this dude lowkey pissing me off but i don’t want him to kill himself - especially over something so f***ing stupid - either
Get some help from your loved ones or just anyone around you and if you don’t have that call the suicide hotline. Then after speaking work on small things that make you happy, do less d****, find a hobby, eat better, exercise. Grow old maybe have a kid or two and then have some grandkids and then one you get to a point you’ll actually die without you even having to do a thing. That’s probably the best way
idgaf this dude lowkey pissing me off but i don’t want him to kill himself - especially over something so f***ing stupid - either
I love you d***er
bruh honestly i think you should take a break from social media and talk to someone, you can't go out sad like this
Overdose on something
a common misconception regarding overdoses is that it's painful asf in the majority of cases.
I'm a fat disgusting idiot monster
That seems overly harsh on yourself, don't you think?
That seems overly harsh on yourself, don't you think?
No it's the objective truth