wow a lot of you losers have absolutely no clue what trap music is... embarrassing
wow a lot of you losers have absolutely no clue what trap music is... embarrassing
Yeah fr
Antidote is the greatest trap song oat
Might actually be this
Its easily this, Bricks, or Thug Motivation 101.
Yeah fr
Antidote is the greatest trap song oat
I know you trolling but just in case you arent... antidote is not a trap song
I know you trolling but just in case you arent... antidote is not a trap song
don't be a nerd about words
wow a lot of you losers have absolutely no clue what trap music is... embarrassing
don't be a nerd about words
I know you trolling but just in case you arent... antidote is not a trap song
It is a trap song
Just not the greatest
dont be a nerd about words lol
Words form opinions and sometimes bad ones homie.