In elementary a little girl brought a condom to school and was playing around with it on the playground.
A trouble maker threatened to shoot up the school at the high school I went to.
Nothing too crazy from the schools I went to.
An autistic kid almost shot up my school
There was this girl that f***ed one of the popular athletic niggas and her nudes spread around the school, and she was known as the school hoe until she graduated.
A few years ago the whole high school had food poisoning because we were served trader joes and they shutdown the school for about a week
There was a fire in the preschool area but no kids were hurt cuz it happened on a Saturday.
back when i was in the 9th grade
some kid had tuberculosis it was possible they had spread it around while they were at school so they had to run tuberculosis test on all the students. i think two students had it if i remember correctly
luckily at the time 9th graders had a individual building so i knew for sure i didn't get that s***s still crazy tho
some african kid got caught with a pipe bomb in his bookbag and got expelled for 50 days
guy tried to hang himself w a belt off a ceiling panel in the bathroom
almost all ceiling panels fall, dude ends up only bruised luckily
but the whole bathroom was closed for like 2 weeks
some african kid got caught with a pipe bomb in his bookbag and got expelled for 50 days
@ only 50 days
@ only 50 days
yeah he was also caught beating his d*** in class next to a teacher and didn't get in trouble
this kid stabbed another kid in the neck with scissors
school lockdown due to an escaped inmate in the area
used to be a lot of “gang” activity at my school in memphis so there was an arrest like every other week
in relation to that, someone almost shot someone, but a cop tackled him and took the gun
there was this huge child p*** scandal my freshman year were a girl’s nudes got leaked and a bunch of kids got expelled and the school got sued
this girl i was talking to got expelled for trying to sell pills to a teacher
my school has an overnight event for charity and a fight broke out between two anime kids that almost shut down the event
anime kids can f*** s*** up
one girl got pregnant (and left the school because of it), but prior to that a relatively sizable group of students started a fake fundraiser facebook page and posted flyers around the school which said "coathangers for (girl's name)". no one ever got caught or in trouble for it
there were a few other things but that stands out the most
some kid from school shot another kid over carts apparently yesterday and the reason why i know him is because he was dating the girl i had a crush on for a long time
also a rape attempt happened at my middle school although this was in a completely different area
Gang s***, Race wars , people getting jumped and stabbed, ppl fighting teachers 😐 HS was spooky
School got put on lockdown for a code red (possible intruder)
Spent an hour and a half in lockdown
Afterwards, we found out my English teacher (who really disliked me) had left his locker open in the teachers lounge and they found a mini shotgun. Wonder where he is now. You would never expect it from this dude either
Nude Leak of one chick I was close friends with, shoulda f***ed before she went down that path
And a couple fights that’s it
probably because I was in a private school
Special-ed kid started swinging at the principal and science teacher and the cops got called
An entire class got detention because they were juuling in school
One time my ex spread the rumor that I cheated on her and I wasn't aware of that for an entire year
This girl got busted for dealing hydrocodone at school
some african kid got caught with a pipe bomb in his bookbag and got expelled for 50 days
Pipe bomb? Why'd they let this nigga come back
Our P.E. teacher got caught having s***with one of my classmates when I was in sixth grade. During recess one day, I went to his office to ask for a basketball and heard moaning and thought it was ghosts...