Mods lock please, this got nothing to do with music
Zack calm tf down. Jesus
Drakes taste in women are all over the place, this nigga a W****
He just like me
This is the type thinking that enables weird s*** like this
But when it’s a celebrity ktt dislikes it’s a different topic
Lol and
Papi gets a pass for whatever
bro chose a mid white woman too like come on man
she's very pretty so I feel him. but eh not a cool move when she's sitting there with her husband
she's very pretty so I feel him. but eh not a cool move when she's sitting there with her husband
i wonder if he knew drake was going to be there?
i think these establishments should alert their male guests ahead of time of his presence cause we all know how he be.
This is the type thinking that enables weird s*** like this
But when it’s a celebrity ktt dislikes it’s a different topic
I don’t think he’s trying to justify this behavior with Drake’s social status, I think he’s saying Drake’s social status inevitably permits this behavior with a lower likelihood of consequences. Just making a descriptive claim honestly.
i wonder if he knew drake was going to be there?
i think these establishments should alert their male guests ahead of time of his presence cause we all know how he be.
I don’t think he’s trying to justify this behavior with Drake’s social status, I think he’s saying Drake’s social status inevitably permits this behavior with a lower likelihood of consequences. Just making a descriptive claim honestly.
Gotcha peep drake niggas came in the thread and they worshipping and defending the behavior tho, it’s not just society, individual’s kno dam well what’s up
i wonder if he knew drake was going to be there?
i think these establishments should alert their male guests ahead of time of his presence cause we all know how he be.
Fr eat and dip. I got Spotify premium we can listen to all the drake you want no need to airdrop anything
This is the type thinking that enables weird s*** like this
But when it’s a celebrity ktt dislikes it’s a different topic
Behavior like this is only okay IF the woman he’s talking to is okay with it.
Someone is more likely to be okay with Drake approaching this way because of things I mentioned.
If the person he’s talking to doesn’t interpret his actions as creepy, then he isn’t creeping. Does that make sense to you??