  • proper

    it’s almost always a knock if it’s a @Rockman post

    The truth hurts

  • Sep 8, 2023

    i’m half joking i just want him to watch my picks first

    i know aot is considered a goat show and is a lot of ppls intro to anime

    just not my typa thing

    good will has been bought via riff raff thread i will peep this first

  • Sep 8, 2023

    wrong post quoted but u feel me

  • Sep 8, 2023

    "anime" ain't a genre, it's a medium like tv series, books etc. to convey art.


  • Sep 8, 2023

    Better animation plus it truly has something for every audience. Not to mention more unique stories/storytelling usually, for the animated medium

  • Sep 8, 2023
    1 reply

    "anime" ain't a genre, it's a medium like tv series, books etc. to convey art.

    Right? That's like asking "what's the hype behind live action tv shows"?

  • Sep 8, 2023

    Some people need cartoons with exaggerated characters and emotions because they don't have enough experience w/ real life to appreciate live action

  • Sep 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Also while animation isn't exclusively 'for kids', the fact that so much animated stuff is aimed at children means that as an artform it's associated with childhood, and most people who are big fans of animation are definitely seeking that out. Eternal childhood and immaturity are cool now

  • Sep 8, 2023
    1 reply

    H**** weirdos look for attention and community

  • Sep 8, 2023

    All of the illustration styles. That’s it imo. The storytelling tends to be good too (tho immature, in a sense) but I look at the art as the medium’s equivalent of cinematography. It’s a very contemporary, perhaps leading form of expression, especially within popular culture

    The music and atmosphere can generally be v nice too

  • Sep 8, 2023

    Why are you comparing game of thrones/western shows to anime tho

    It’s popular in the west but not a western invention. Attack on Titan is similar (and it is extremely popular) but that’s it

  • Sep 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Anime and manga often feature exaggerated emotions and expressions, which can help individuals with autism better understand and interpret nonverbal communication.

  • Sep 8, 2023

    about 25 episodes in

    DeathNote isn’t very good. I like it but it’s one of the best examples of the mediums immaturity. I recommend Mushishi for a (slow) change of pace. Or Haibane Renmei.

    FLCL and Tatami Galaxy are also immature, in a sense, but are short and very intriguing. They are somewhat challenging as both tend to feature lots of text to read at once, but it’s not really necessary to catch everything in one go.

    When I was first getting into anime I watched a lot of short series (give or take 13 episodes) to get a sense of things. That is ideal for figuring out genre preference.

    It is true that many of the most ambitious shows will require more time. Shorter shows are ideal if you aren’t committed to the medium tho. There is so much tonal difference between the shows that everyone hype. If you go all in on one long thing it risks the wrong perception imo

    Finally, English dub usually ruins the show. Please don’t write off a show if you try it w a dub.

  • Sep 8, 2023
    2 replies

    I like certain kinds of animes where the animation is simple and doesn't get too rowdy with the characters like f***ing tentacles or eight gazilion eyes. That type of s*** freaks me out no cap.

    Few animes I recommend though:

    Samural Champloo
    Cowboy Bebop
    Hunter x Hunter
    Ping Pong

    My taste level is basic though, I'm sure there are other anime ass niggas that can give you a good place to start

    Also, you gotta peep in Jap with Eng subs don't be a b**** and watch with Eng dub

    samurai champloo and cowboy bebop is all anyone rlly needs

  • Sep 8, 2023

    darlin in the franXX

  • Sep 8, 2023

    exclusively watch with dubs btw. subs ruin it im afraid

  • Sep 8, 2023

    i have seen one anime

  • Sep 8, 2023
    2 replies
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    H**** weirdos look for attention and community

  • Sep 8, 2023
    Gay Ave Stan

    Also while animation isn't exclusively 'for kids', the fact that so much animated stuff is aimed at children means that as an artform it's associated with childhood, and most people who are big fans of animation are definitely seeking that out. Eternal childhood and immaturity are cool now

    Children like animation because it is usually creatively expressive, colorful, and energetic. Equating liking those things with being immature is nonsense.

    Personally, I can't rock with dull, lifeless mfs

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Sep 8, 2023

    it's fun
    it's colorful (or not)
    and there are no limits

    but 80% of anime is mid because they just 'interpolate' manga pages into animation and it looks cheap as hell, if you want some good anime invest your time in

    cowboy bebop
    samurai champloo
    dr stone
    jojo's bizzare adventure
    to your eternity
    vinland saga

    there are plenty more but these are just over the top of my head

  • Sep 8, 2023
    1 reply

    anime is mostly bad, because most things arnt really worth your time

    the question you should really be asking is what kind of experience do you want to have

    to me animation (regardless of genre or nationality) is a monument to the luxury of craft. but unlike a mechanical watch or a cathedral due to the hand of the artists individually crafting each frame there is a handmade feel to the movement that transcends the structures of power usually associated with this sort of labor. its not a 10,000 hour couture dress that will end up in the closet of some billionare's wife, you can steal it and watch it in this egalitarian way. nothing is derived from nature, all of it is fit and finished to drive the engine of emotional storytelling, ideally with the only constraint being the imagination of the creators.

    of course that's an illusion as capitalism is the bedrock of almost all major productions, but sometimes you hear stories. the people who make this s*** love it, frame by frame

  • Sep 8, 2023

    Da b****es

  • Sep 8, 2023

    when i recommened anime people the three i always recommend are
    fullmetal alchemist brotherhood,
    hunter x hunter
    attack on titan

  • Czy ⚔️
    Sep 8, 2023

    Not worth ur time don’t try to force it lol

  • Sep 8, 2023
    Trap a holic

    anime is mostly bad, because most things arnt really worth your time

    the question you should really be asking is what kind of experience do you want to have

    to me animation (regardless of genre or nationality) is a monument to the luxury of craft. but unlike a mechanical watch or a cathedral due to the hand of the artists individually crafting each frame there is a handmade feel to the movement that transcends the structures of power usually associated with this sort of labor. its not a 10,000 hour couture dress that will end up in the closet of some billionare's wife, you can steal it and watch it in this egalitarian way. nothing is derived from nature, all of it is fit and finished to drive the engine of emotional storytelling, ideally with the only constraint being the imagination of the creators.

    of course that's an illusion as capitalism is the bedrock of almost all major productions, but sometimes you hear stories. the people who make this s*** love it, frame by frame