  • Dec 29, 2020

    without expecting anything in return.

    I'm often a selfish mfer and want to be more giving and thoughtful of others. my girl has a big heart and it's one reason I find her so attractive. this was mainly her deed but I helped out a bit so I guess it was the last one I did too:

    Christmas eve she was on Facebook and saw a post from a single mother in our city talking about how she couldn't afford to buy her two children Christmas gifts. so my gf contacted some neighbors, collected toys, and then together we also chipped in and sent money to a toy store in the lady's neighborhood so she could go pick some toys for her kids.

    seeing a photo of her kids all happy n s*** with their toys on Christmas almost defrosted my heart y'all

    what about y'all KTT? share and get inspired

  • Dec 29, 2020
    2 replies

    held the door for a random b**** on saturday

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Donate money to the salvation army

  • Dec 29, 2020

    can’t remember, guess i’m not a nice guy

  • Dec 29, 2020

    gave my girl 20$ for her good head

  • I have the sweatcoin app that gives you money for walking and I always donate mine to charity.

    I also push carts at Walmart so I’m always helping people with stuff, whether it slitting TVs in their car, groceries, helping old people with s***..etc

    Good deeds is good energy, don’t have to get anything material out of it

  • Dec 29, 2020

    This older woman couldn't reach the top shelf @ Walmart & needed help so i got the item for her

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    One time I saw an old lady walking home from the grocery store loaded with bags and I drove her home I know im good with GOD off that alone

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    without expecting anything in return.

    I'm often a selfish mfer and want to be more giving and thoughtful of others. my girl has a big heart and it's one reason I find her so attractive. this was mainly her deed but I helped out a bit so I guess it was the last one I did too:

    Christmas eve she was on Facebook and saw a post from a single mother in our city talking about how she couldn't afford to buy her two children Christmas gifts. so my gf contacted some neighbors, collected toys, and then together we also chipped in and sent money to a toy store in the lady's neighborhood so she could go pick some toys for her kids.

    seeing a photo of her kids all happy n s*** with their toys on Christmas almost defrosted my heart y'all

    what about y'all KTT? share and get inspired

    Stuff like this is really beautiful. When i have a lot of money i plan on doing stuff like this, would be cool as f***

  • Dec 29, 2020

    held the door for a random b**** on saturday

  • Dec 29, 2020
    2 replies

    For 5 dollars? thats not a good deed

  • Dec 29, 2020

    Some woman couldn't reach the turkey she wanted on the top shelf so I took it down and bought it so that turkey could feed someone

  • Dec 29, 2020

    For 5 dollars? thats not a good deed

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Stuff like this is really beautiful. When i have a lot of money i plan on doing stuff like this, would be cool as f***

    it's not huge but I'm doing well enough financially rn to make small gestures like that and should do them more often

    materialism is overrated. that feeling you get after helping somebody in need is better and more valuable than whatever I would have spent that money on

  • Dec 29, 2020

    Helped a lady do some shopping. I clocked out and was about to walk out the door and she asked some questions about where things where. I walked and talked with her, got things from far. Didn’t think much of it until she said she was gonna tell her sister how kind I was. I cried in the car

  • Dec 29, 2020

    it's not huge but I'm doing well enough financially rn to make small gestures like that and should do them more often

    materialism is overrated. that feeling you get after helping somebody in need is better and more valuable than whatever I would have spent that money on

    Lol fr, that's wassup man you throw a loop in ppl day when you do things like that they don't know how to react and its just a moment of pure bliss

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply


  • Dec 29, 2020

    was out to dinner with pops about a week ago and our waitress was really sweet and deserving so we tipped her $60 on a $40 bill. we both threw $30 at her.

    did the same thing at cracker barrel about a month ago and tipped $20 on a $20 bill

    I try and give back as much as possible but definitely during the holidays. it's hard out here.

  • Dec 29, 2020
    2 replies

    held the door for a random b**** on saturday

    Must be from up north. Damn near everybody holds the door for you in the south.

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Must be from up north. Damn near everybody holds the door for you in the south.

    im from miami

    where you from

  • Dec 29, 2020

    im from miami

    where you from southern hospitality in Florida? Y'all different anyway