One I can think of off the top of my head is someone couldn’t enjoy the original Star Wars trilogy because the effects are bad
“I don’t enjoy any movie made before I was born”
“You have to have a certain level of intelligence to understand these films”
Wait nvm that’s j cole
My lil cousin today: “you went and saw avatar? That’s an L bro no one is talking about that you should have seen Black Adam that’s a movie”
probably @twitch not being able to enjoy licorice pizza because.. actually nvm
One I can think of off the top of my head is someone couldn’t enjoy the original Star Wars trilogy because the effects are bad
This the one I hate the most. not like I love Star Wars that much but it’s fans are so stupid, ruined the last trilogy by alienating Lucas.
probably @twitch not being able to enjoy licorice pizza because.. actually nvm
Because I like my pizza simple with pepperoni and licorice is nasty
A common one are people who can’t watch black & white films
Another one is they can’t watch foreign films because they ‘want to watch a movie not read a book’
Another one is they can’t watch foreign films because they ‘want to watch a movie not read a book’
I used to be like this tbh but after I tried it I feel more immersed when I’m reading and watching
My lil cousin today: “you went and saw avatar? That’s an L bro no one is talking about that you should have seen Black Adam that’s a movie”
Beat his ass
Beat his ass
Bro then started talking about how Andrew Tate has some good points
I gotta take him under my wing smh
One I can think of off the top of my head is someone couldn’t enjoy the original Star Wars trilogy because the effects are bad
i had a coworker who said this and on reflection if you have no childhood nostalgia attached to it i can see why it would be bothersome because some of the sabre effects are really bad