Guys so, I’m in a lil predicament and need some advice… I recently been seeing this Latina milf (met her a week ago at the club she’s like a 6.5/10 being completely honest. I didn’t ask her she but she looks 50 fr) and we had s***3 times this week. She’s already like tryna introduce me to her 4 daughters and s*** and im like whoa whoa whoa this is moving too fast like she’s telling me she loves me and s***. She even pulled up to my house yesterday with medicine and food cause I’m sick. She brought her daughter to whos like 6 years younger than me and even kissed me in front of her
Should I just cut it off now? Honestly I feel like I could play this into some crazy p*** scenario and f*** the whole family NGL. Her daughter is like super into Asian culture too so I already know I’m like kind of her type
is she thicc though?
Why not?
I had low self-esteem/self-worth for far too long, and now I got quite a deliberating physical condition to contend with. It's not totally out of the question, I just ain't expecting it :yeshrug:
It’s okay bro, in this meantime I got this lady in her early 50’s interested in me and about to go on our first date. Keep in mind I haven’t dated in nearly 5 years, you just have to sit back, work on yourself and let women swarm to you.
Here’s what I’ve been doing:
I know you’re trolling but…tf is bone mashing 😂😂😂
Goddamn man nah you’re right. You got deep with that part maybe she doesn’t even know what’s wrong with her. Big facts homie. Some people just trying to ease the pain and loneliness. Yeah Im trying to do right by women these days and be more respectful so I should really actually live by my word
I agree with bro tbh you don’t know how she might react to perceived slight or rejection considering how much she’s on you currently, but I’d just try to slide the daughter that’s giving you the most energy. Try to pit them against each other if theres any animosity between the mom and daughter and try your best to smash and get her to keep it a secret.
Don’t go overtly trying to smash though keep it covert while sowing the seed in interactions with the daughter since u said u feel like u already know ur her type.
Sounds like a go to me #FuckIt
I think I was 22 and she had to have been mid to late 30s. She was from out of state visiting a cousin for her birthday
I was drunk af and we were standing outside a hotel when I started to sober up and coming to my senses. Drunk goggles were wearing off and I’m like am I really about spend money on a hotel room for this chick?
I go into the hotel and rush to the guy at the desk and tell him to say they have no rooms left before she caught up.
Then back outside she’s like there’s another hotel across the street so I had to fake a phone call to that one and tell her they were booked too. She ended up Ubering back to her cousins house while I crashed at my friends
So I didn’t smash but it was a funny story thread reminded me of
Still should have smashed #FuckIt #Experience
I think you need to diplomatically find a way to get rid of her. You are being love bombed. It's a pretty common manipulation tactic that people use. They say they love you really early on, give you gifts, take care of you, and try to introduce you to their family and friends. She's either lonely and desperate or she's got some kind of plan for you. Whatever it is, if you keep going, you're just along for the ride because it sounds as though she's in control of the situation.
U give great advice g
2 different 43 year olds when i was 21
one rando, the other my aunts friend at her wedding who knew me since i was little lol
how did it happen
33 today, she was 25 at the time
Probably my greatest eater, i got in during her prime era
how did it happen
shes a comedian and was the entertainer at my aunts wedding, so she was pretty social and made it clear pretty quick that she was into me at a pre wedding dinner. We had two seconds of alone time that same night at the hotel pool before family showed up and we made out and after that it was a wrap and it was back to my room after. my older og cousin had the hotel room next to me and heard moaning lmao. she wasnt mega hot or anything, but good looking enough for me, big butt white lady that was funny i had a good time
shes a comedian and was the entertainer at my aunts wedding, so she was pretty social and made it clear pretty quick that she was into me at a pre wedding dinner. We had two seconds of alone time that same night at the hotel pool before family showed up and we made out and after that it was a wrap and it was back to my room after. my older og cousin had the hotel room next to me and heard moaning lmao. she wasnt mega hot or anything, but good looking enough for me, big butt white lady that was funny i had a good time
my f***ing dawg
I was chilling with one of my boys at his crib for a party (idk who bday it was) I seen her fine ass walking by I asked who it was and he said it was his sister’s friend or co worker something. She was staying for the weekend. I went to the downstairs bathroom she came from upstairs she looked at me I made my move she laughed she said she was single gave me her number but didn’t tell me she was only there for the weekend. I got drunk that night stayed over my boiis couch. Shorty was sleeping in the guest room I texted her she said she was h**** and the rest was a wrap without the wrap
I was chilling with one of my boys at his crib for a party (idk who bday it was) I seen her fine ass walking by I asked who it was and he said it was his sister’s friend or co worker something. She was staying for the weekend. I went to the downstairs bathroom she came from upstairs she looked at me I made my move she laughed she said she was single gave me her number but didn’t tell me she was only there for the weekend. I got drunk that night stayed over my boiis couch. Shorty was sleeping in the guest room I texted her she said she was h**** and the rest was a wrap without the wrap