What’s the alternative? Talking to men!?
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
What’s the alternative? Talking to men!?
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I have a “gf” ig, we been together 6 years. Im just bored
You should show her this post
A social interaction with me is an IOU for sex.
Telling me about your day? Drop your drawers.
Catching a movie together? Break me off a piece.
Bachelor party? I think you mean orgy.
So you can decide if you want to be friends or not? I mean whats the point in getting to know anybody
whenever i see the back to life button in the corner it’s a reminder to get off this website
I'm confused
So OP is saying that it makes sense to have female friends, but if it's just someone you have s***with, there's no point in getting to know them because you're already having s***with them? That there's no point in being friends with a woman you're having s***with?
I don't think I need to outline how stupid that is
What’s the alternative? Talking to men!?
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
u overthinking the f*** outta it
the reality is, s***and everything else are sort of compartmentalized. when someone decides they want s***that changes everything about how they interact with u. if u wanna get to know people u gotta think a lot deeper than physical attraction and u have to have something interesting to offer besides angst and hormones
Wow op really got me stumped on this one
Why talk to people when I can totally survive not doing that