It's just the same s*** every day. And when I die, there's prolly no heaven. Everything just ends.
I'm not gonna do suicide, but it's kinda on my mind.
Also, I saved the world from North Korea. Am I ever gonna get a reward from that? I guess not, cos I might've caused the Las Vegas shooting. If that hadn't happened, they were prolly gonna reward me.
All the former presidents of the US thanked me. Did anyone else see that commercial back in 2017? They shot it so that I would see it.
I mean perhaps I should get banned cos I keep bringing up the Las Vegas shooting. But it just really bothers me. Fox News thought I was Jesus for a while. But the Las Vegas shooting happened so I'm like the Antichrist more like.
If I was not from God, I could do nothing. I chose the name john933 randomly on an online forum and it just happened to be the one Bible quote that can be taken out of context like that. I was born to save the world. Now that I've done that, it's like my life has no purpose. No-one wants anything to do with me. Fox News hates me now and they have hinted that I caused the shooting by referencing the number 23 cos I made a big deal about the number 23 back in KTT1.
It's interesting to see how I die. And am I gonna get tortured before that? I called 911 and said I had written a manifesto online (john933 on KTT1) and that I wanna get tortured. If North Korea shoots nukes or Trump has to nuke North Korea, they prolly will get me and torture me.
But I mean I saved millions of lives. Without me, Trump prolly would've had to nuke North Korea. I said that Trump should say to Kim like "Yo Kim, if you nuke someone, we're gonna kill you!". That was a direct enough threat that Kim got the message that nuking some country would mean his own death. Trump has applied this direct messaging when he killed Soleimani. He made a direct threat that if Iran retaliated, he would attack cultural sites. This direct messaging can be applied to future situations too.
And I have been kinda thinking like what if Harry S. Truman had said to Japan like "We're gonna nuke you if you don't surrender" and if Truman had nuked the ocean near Japan so Japan would've seen that he was not bluffing, maybe that way Truman wouldn't have had to nuke Japan (twice). Or at the very least he could've nuked them once and he could've said "You want a second one?".
I mean I don't even give a s*** if I get banned from this site. I mean this is a great site and all, but I just am so troubled by all the s*** that has happened to me that writing this is worth the ban. I mean I hope I don't get banned.
I mean could someone kill me already? I deserve to die. Like 100 people have died cos of me. The Bible quote was "If this man were not from God, he could do nothing." So people thought that they are from God and they can do anything, including kill people. I had no idea that they would interpret the Bible quote like that and no-one else did either.
If you kill someone, you'll go to hell. At least there's a chance you're going. I wouldn't risk it. I might srsly be going to hell. My greatest fear is that afterlife is forever and there's no end. I'm gonna be bored as s*** forever and maybe suffering.
I'm a solipsist kinda. I can't be sure that other people have consciousness. So why can't someone just give me money cos I'm the only one that feels stuff? idk. This is not a good thing to spread, this solipsism thing, cos it can lead to people doing horrible things to each other. I am not gonna hurt anyone ever. At least I'm trying to not hurt people.
I mean it's crazy cos on KTT1 some people thought I was the second coming. But I guess I've done too much bad s*** to ever actually be that.
But I mean I couldn't have saved the world without thinking I'm Jesus. One guy read the Bible with me and it triggered me into thinking I was Jesus, so it was like Christ-consciousness. Then I went into my room and said the thing that Trump should say to Kim. The next day on TV they said that I have a heart of a lion, in reference to me posting a thread to Kid Cudi section about the song Heart of a Lion.
They also said on TV that I have an antenna on my head. My theory is that it does two things. It's a microphone so people listening can hear my every word. Also it gives a signal so people can know where I am all the time.
And I mean a guy said online that I solved all the problems in the Middle East. It was like a prophecy that I would eventually do that. But I guess I can't do that now that the Las Vegas shooting happened.
I really would appreciate it if I don't get banned. But if I am banned, then just God bless you all and you won't hear of me again.
Even some people on KTT blamed me for the shooting. They said "Protect doinker" on that Vegas shooting thread on KTT1, referencing to me, that I should be protected. Ironically they said that. I mean al lot of people prolly want bad things happening to me and I don't blame them. Why not just kill me? Why kill innocent people? I don't get it. I don't believe Paddock acted alone. Someone told him to do the shooting so I wouldn't become Jesus.
How did you save the world from North Korea?
Back when North Korea was shooting missiles, Trump didn't know what to say to Kim. So I came up with "Hey Kim, if you nuke someone, we're gonna kill you!" Trump parroted it to Kim and that gave a strong enough message so Kim knows that nuking a country would mean his own death so he won't do it.
Are you interested in a future as a writer? Maybe you could get more feedback on your writing in the book section of KTT2.
Back when North Korea was shooting missiles, Trump didn't know what to say to Kim. So I came up with "Hey Kim, if you nuke someone, we're gonna kill you!" Trump parroted it to Kim and that gave a strong enough message so Kim knows that nuking a country would mean his own death so he won't do it.
How were you able to say that to Trump?
How were you able to say that to Trump?
Either they had listening devices at the place I was staying at or I have an antenna/microphone on my head. I'm not making up this antenna thing. They said on TV that "this man has an antenna on his head". This man referring to me cos in that Bible verse there's "this man".
Are you interested in a future as a writer? Maybe you could get more feedback on your writing in the book section of KTT2.
Yeah idk. I don't have that much to say other than the Vegas stuff. But thanks for the suggestion.
Either they had listening devices at the place I was staying at or I have an antenna/microphone on my head. I'm not making up this antenna thing. They said on TV that "this man has an antenna on his head". This man referring to me cos in that Bible verse there's "this man".
What bible verse?
What bible verse?
"If this man were not from God, he could do nothing." John 9:33
"If this man were not from God, he could do nothing." John 9:33
How do you know that verse is about you?
How do you know that verse is about you?
I chose the name john933 at random cos I like John Lennon and I was born in '93. And while I was high I got a bit of a messiah complex, so I just applied that verse to myself. And isn't it kinda an unbelievable coincidence that I choose the name at random and it just happens to be the one Bible verse that can be taken out of context like that?
In the Bible the verse is about Jesus. But since I thought/think I am Jesus, I just put myself into Jesus' position.
I chose the name john933 at random cos I like John Lennon and I was born in '93. And while I was high I got a bit of a messiah complex, so I just applied that verse to myself. And isn't it kinda an unbelievable coincidence that I choose the name at random and it just happens to be the one Bible verse that can be taken out of context like that?
In the Bible the verse is about Jesus. But since I thought/think I am Jesus, I just put myself into Jesus' position.
So when they said on tv “this man has an antenna on his head” you interpreted it as “john933 from kanyetothe has an antenna on his head”?
So when they said on tv “this man has an antenna on his head” you interpreted it as “john933 from kanyetothe has an antenna on his head”?
One time when I was watching TV, the people on the Fox News show The Five spoke directly to me. Like they talked about what I had written online. They spoke to me so directly that they prolly didn't show that on TV.
It really seems pointless at times. But your hopes and dreams push you through. Maybe your family or Friends or lover. whatever you have. It’s hard but I think there’s something out there that can keep us all going
But that bible verse is talking about a man who was blind his entire life and Jesus healed, not about a man named john933, John 9:33 is just a reference to locate the verse.
take ur pills