Nigga he looks precisely like Cam
Look at his facial features, hairline, skin tone. Nigga looks nothing like Cam
Look at his facial features, hairline, skin tone. Nigga looks nothing like Cam
Bro what?
That’s literally Cam’ron
Y’all niggas tryna make me look crazy bro
Nah u just trollin
I think you’re trolling me
I’m being gaslighted that’s 100% Cam’ron
Bro tell me that’s not f***ing Cam’ron these ppl are manipulating me
Bro tell me that’s not f***ing Cam’ron these ppl are manipulating me
i kinda see it the moustache n all
Just DM’d the guy who tweeted the pic, he’s actually very knowledgeable on hip hop history. Waiting on a reply