everything turns political, if they somehow get it into their minds that democrats support wearing masks, they will go against it
which happened
ppl just dont like being told what to do
Basically this, especially Americans and they only double down and overreact when they get called out in it
everything turns political, if they somehow get it into their minds that democrats support wearing masks, they will go against it
which happened
Don't get why republicans aint cashing in and going all in on mask instead of this anti mask bullshit.
dems called china travel ban racist
dems wants less border
there is no logic in people who think a virus that's killed hundreds of thousands of people isn't dangerous but masks are
Virus aint even over and mf keeps saying how chances of dying is low
Its too bad the R word is banned here
Its really the most accurate thing u can call them
Fr fr
Being anti-mask extends back to failed parenting unfortunately. If you see someone making masks an issue of government overreach, their mother and/or father completely failed and shouldn’t have been allowed to have kids
Virus aint even over and mf keeps saying how chances of dying is low
And it's funny because even if you catch it and don't succumb to it, there's still the rather high possibility of sustaining long-term/irreversible damage and health complications from it. That whole claim anti-maskers/virus downplayers make is just short-sighted horseshit (see also: herd immunity)
Its too bad the R word is banned here
Its really the most accurate thing u can call them
And it's funny because even if you catch it and don't succumb to it, there's still the rather high possibility of sustaining long-term/irreversible damage and health complications from it. That whole claim anti-maskers/virus downplayers make is just short-sighted horseshit (see also: herd immunity)
This herd immunity s*** so dumb. Virus is still new, mfs thinking they smart for quoting these new studies coming out which are not even complete due to the fact virus still at early stage
People like this don’t deserve freedom
It's a dangerous thing to let the state get more control over you
This works when the people actually make intelligent decisions by themselves
government "desensitizes" people to being forced to wear masks
next step is govt forcing everyone to get mandatory vaccines
bill gates controls your brain
how tf this clown not make m*ga masks he will literally slap his name on everything else
how tf this clown not make m*ga masks he will literally slap his name on everything else
dosent make sense why they not doing this lmao. I guess it's cause his supporters are the ones to blame for, he just trying to please them to get reelected
government "desensitizes" people to being forced to wear masks
next step is govt forcing everyone to get mandatory vaccines
bill gates controls your brain
"gEoRgE sOROS"
"lEft brAinwash"
a pandemic is going on and mfs wants everything to be a conspiracy or a left vs right thing smfh
Don't get why republicans aint cashing in and going all in on mask instead of this anti mask bullshit.
dems called china travel ban racist
dems wants less border
well I think it really started when trump started to downplay the virus, and he never publicly wore a mask. his followers took this as a sign that its bullshit