Some random ass cocktail that smelled like perfume. I'm feeling nauseous just remembering it
didnt order it myself but I tried my friends tea at ihop one night and it was the worst thing ive ever tasted
Just to experiment with it and it turns out it’s the worst s*** that’s ever gone down your throat (Wait hold on )
Anything with elderflower in it.
chilli beer, it wasnt even the hotness that made it bad nor the alcohol content . it tasted so bad i felt like throwing up, the chilli wasnt even fully disolved into the liquid
cinnamon pepsi back when i still drank soda
Pretty much any drink quality is jus based on the bartender quality. Never had a bad drink from a good mixer
Boba tea. S*** is f***ing disgusting
Nonblacks gon b mad at this one
S*** is ass
worst drink oat, s*** is disgusting
nooooo this is one of my favourites