It’s so obvious when someone is just now starting to listen to rap
F***ing someone’s b**** is a tale old as time young blood
Wait till @op finds out about pac and biggie dawg
I remember Hit ‘Em up. I’m just saying rappers didn’t use to bring up f***ing their other dudes girls as nearly as often.
I remember Hit ‘Em up. I’m just saying rappers didn’t use to bring up f***ing their other dudes girls as nearly as often.
It’s literally less now than before
Gangsta rap was literally sell dope, kill you, and f*** your b****, in whatever order
You just start listening to rap this year?
Cucking is a rap tradition
is it now
OP, this ain't new nigga, lol
Pac told Biggie back in the 90's...."THAT'S WHY I F***ED YOUR B****, YOU FAT MUTHAFUCKA"
is it now
They end up messing around within the same pool of women so I guess so
Out of all the things in hip-hop you are concerned about "glamourising infidelity" ????
You've gotta be kidding me