Not a day I dont think about this. Would have been a millionaire by now or would have major clout
No you wouldn’t have nigga
Nothing really. I had to take a round about way to get where I couldve just walked to, but I'm still young n learning from mistakes. Most things worked out for me this year, so I can't complain.
Not being in my grandfather's life before his death. I didn't understand alot of his knowledge until I got older. I know he saw leadership qualities in me that I couldn't comprehend as a kid.
I made a really bad decision earlier this year but it actually benefited me in a way which I never really expected
Wait, is this real????
I’m being optimistic.
Remain optimistic fam. Don’t let me stop your hopes and dreams. F*** me. I think you can live forever
More life.
started and finished a biology major when i never really enjoyed it
damn bro. what do you do for a job now? do you atleast have stability?
Going to a private school for undergrad. I wasted so much money and never even made any lasting friendships.
Grad school at a state school was way better.