Let’s take a Sunday to appreciate the rapper who never was, the Hipster J Prince. A man who was an original Lo Life, owns the largest collection of unibomber goods, who went hawk fetching with Slime himself and owned a club so legendary that there’s songs named after it - the same club GFK met Doom for the first time. What’s your favourite verse he managed to release in his sparing career
I let it splatter in the batter till it’s magnifique
motorola blow up till battery acid leak
I'm bored out my mind at my table paying her rent
By the time I take care of the check she be moist as a towelette
Got a way with words, you lucky you got away with your life
Not afraid to burn the bridge, it's shady, I could use the light
I ain’t a killer but don’t kill me!
Crap Artists!
Friends brother showed me that song for the first time and I was so high I felt nauseous
A lot of white rappers have had their best verses on das racist songs (2 of them)
feelin like a million bucks all 20s
all i got is time and i hear that this s*** money
feelin like a million bucks all 20s
all i got is time and i hear that this s*** money
😮 my face (I have never heard this one)
Saw bro open for RTJ with Ratking as well. I was face to face with fool jamming the f*** out
the goat white rapper. need an album from.
also doesnt he own a famous nightclub in nyc?
the goat white rapper. need an album from.
also doesnt he own a famous nightclub in nyc?
he used to own one with Andrew WK now he owns a deli with El-P
the goat white rapper. need an album from.
also doesnt he own a famous nightclub in nyc?
Yes I mentioned that in the op. Here’s a song about it
Here’s a random despot and yachty song I didn’t know about that’s honestly not that great