I mean my descriptive idea of masculinity? As in what SOCIETY deems to be madculine?
Or what I think it should mean to be masculine.
I don't really have any thoughts on the latter, people should just be whoever they wanna be idgaf
My idea of masculinity stops at being presented w a job and getting it done, handling business
the rest is 4 the birds
I mean my descriptive idea of masculinity? As in what SOCIETY deems to be madculine?
Or what I think it should mean to be masculine.
I don't really have any thoughts on the latter, people should just be whoever they wanna be idgaf
Personality sure but masculinity still has defined traits
Deep voice, muscular physique, chiseled jawline, intellectual and intuitive, and doesn’t play Daily Wordle.
I mean my descriptive idea of masculinity? As in what SOCIETY deems to be madculine?
Or what I think it should mean to be masculine.
I don't really have any thoughts on the latter, people should just be whoever they wanna be idgaf
scratchin been putting up numbers recently
Emotionally stable, comfortable alone, self sufficient, efficient, proactive, proud, open-minded, confident
idk tbh
Cus I feel all that corny s*** of a man having to act or behave a certain way is some dumb s***
Men have to act and dress and like these things is masculine and “there’s a war on masculinity!!!!!”
All that s*** is corny
I mean I know I’m a man and masculine but I definitely have feminine characteristics as well but like I said, im a man
I just feel people are too caught up on what makes us different
Ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion….. I just feel like being different is okay, not scary
My idea of masculinity stops at being presented w a job and getting it done, handling business
the rest is 4 the birds