Motherfucker how
Pure luck man. I peaked at 10 years old
U might be a genius
B**** I might be
beat Outlast 1 without switching my battery
What does this mean? Serious question cause I never played it.
You mean you beat it all in one session without changing yo controller battery or there’s an in game battery for something?
What does this mean? Serious question cause I never played it.
You mean you beat it all in one session without changing yo controller battery or there’s an in game battery for something?
it means i basically finished the game in the dark, without seeing s***. it’s a horror game based in a psychiatric ward, and majority of the game is in complete darkness.
you play as a journalist in first person and all you have with you is your camera. you can use night vision on your camera to see in the dark, but it drains your battery. usually you‘d have to get a new battery every other minute, but i beat it with only one battery, so basically, blind
I completed a sekiro demon bell, no kuro’s charm run. I’m probably going to try bl4 in bloodborne next. I think that will be harder.
Guessed the serial number for the flight simulator 98 copy I stole
U gotta be lying 😂
No. 118 in Killzone 2 and then quit with 333.333 points after 1 1/2 years. Was also in the Top 20 regarding tournaments and cw. Could have been in the top 10 easy but I played them with several accounts back then.
Still my favorite FPS oat.
Probably The Witcher 3 plus dlcs on death march
Completing MGS3 Snake Eater perfect stealth with 0 kills another
I got over 2M on Tetris
I was incredible at titanfall 2 multiplayer got mvp like every match but then again no one was playing that s***
Halo 2 LASO.
Would never recommend that to anyone
DMC 1/3/5 DMD difficulty
All halo legendary campaigns solo
All gears of war insane campaigns solo
50 Team Slayer/Team Doubles Halo 3
Top 100 Trueskill in F.E.A.R. on Xbox 360
Had some top 100 times in trials hd
Had some top 100 times in marble blast ultra
Pantheon of hallownest
May be missing some but that’s what I could think of off the top of my head
nearly got to grandmaster in overwatch before killing myself.