I thought op was talking about something like remembrance day where we remember everyone who we lost
not a halloween-esque recreation of the pandemic
I guess that works to
the year just started and this already the dumbest s*** i read all year
how is it dumb? you don't want a day off work 🤨
dont answer if your dumb
The last thing people saw as they were dying with covid were doctors in masks. Im for a covid remembrance day but not a mask day smh
Imagine thinking this gonna be over
we got another few years with this lmao
vaccine barely works
we got another few years with this lmao
vaccine barely works
Yh 100%,
Even if vaccine works probably gonna end up needing booster ones every year for different strands
Headache for a while
Yh 100%,
Even if vaccine works probably gonna end up needing booster ones every year for different strands
Headache for a while
im dealing with covid rn
on day like 2 of symptoms but its worse, I have chills and a fever, pretty weak too.
feels like a flu atm not a headache
im dealing with covid rn
on day like 2 of symptoms but its worse, I have chills and a fever, pretty weak too.
feels like a flu atm not a headache
Get the fk off KTT & rest
im dealing with covid rn
on day like 2 of symptoms but its worse, I have chills and a fever, pretty weak too.
feels like a flu atm not a headache
Praying you make a quick and safe recovery bro 🙏🏾
People didn’t wear masks when it was literally being done to help save lives. They aren’t gonna be cool with being forced to wear them for a “holiday”
Another stat holiday? Why not
Something like this
!https://youtu.be/utdKjUZz-o0But like sicko mode playing or something