Since Drake is listening to Brazilian music cause of Anitta, I decided to make a simple thread with some brazillian rap songs that were lyrically influenced by him.
Filipe Ret - Abençoado
He raps In Portuguese
"Me Sinto Abençoado."
Which translates to
"I feel Blessed."
And in the same song we have:
"Se eu morrer eu viro lenda."
Which translates to
"If I die I'm a legend."
Projota - Sei Lá
"Eu te procuro tipo Kiki do you love me?"
Froid - Fique Rico Ou Moralismo
"No outro álbum eu critiquei o Drake
Nesse álbum eu o copiei"
which means
"On the other album I dissed Drake, in this album I copied him"
Aos Brasileiros, tem outras que vocês lembram de cabeça?
So even Brazilian rappers are dissing Drake for clout... And I’m sure Drake had no idea
So even Brazilian rappers are dissing Drake for clout... And I’m sure Drake had no idea
I'm not sure Froid dissed him either, sometimes he just freestyle on lyrics
Tú é Man?
shoutout @malcriado