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  • Dec 25, 2020
    1 reply

    you guys are out your minds

    • someone who will never be first lord
  • Dec 25, 2020
    • someone who will never be first lord

    this is it tbh

    ppl itt are not fit to serve as First Lord

  • loliuvyou

    One summer jam screen of her and ray j on the oppositions rally stage and shes finished lmao

    It would be over for the opposition for showing that.

  • Dec 25, 2020

    One summer jam screen of her and ray j on the oppositions rally stage and shes finished lmao

    This ain't 1956 dawg. A lotta girls have OnlyFans now. Stuff like that is more normalized now than it's ever been. Hell, Melania literally has a full nude photoshoot that is readily accessible on Google

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