Man I don’t know you supposed to tell me
Produced When To Say When
Artwork for those that ripped it and wanna add it on iTunes
getting a taste from the video then finding out the full songs are on Soundcloud
2017 is Rihanna era right? Just got my first headphone listen.. this really freaking good.. drake drops still feel like Christmas in 2020
thread limit thing so f***ing stupid bruh
S gotta fix that
fr, how long that s*** last for I got some threads I gotta get off
I’ve had s*** on repeat I Think the neighbors know the lyrics now
first full Soundcloud listen atm
fr, how long that s*** last for I got some threads I gotta get off
no clue we were talking about it in here tho
When to Say When
Chicago Freestyle
where Desires b****
Produced When To Say When
Yall didnt take in the JUNE UR A GENIUS tag?
Yall didnt take in the JUNE UR A GENIUS tag?
never heard of him before, who did Chicago?
You think he getting a soundcloud bag?
who's on the When To Say When skit? Sounds familiar
anyone else not really feeling these? some bars are kindof corny. chicago is definetley a cool beat but these deff feel like "LEAKS"
You're alone on this one buddy.
who's on the When To Say When skit? Sounds familiar
The interviewer sounds like one of the guys from the WeLoveHipHop channel, might be a guest off of there
Nope it’s a Jamaican DJ I can’t remember his name but he’s DJ’d a couple parties for Drake.
anyone else not really feeling these? some bars are kindof corny. chicago is definetley a cool beat but these deff feel like "LEAKS"
This s*** too hard