Your biggest contribution to this section is the Weekly Releases thread
That I started
niggas beefing over KTT clout bro i seen it all
asking to hear about a man having s***to another mans mp3s at 11amCST on the final Thursday of the year is the level of cucking your consciousness is on in these troubling times brother?
Why is this the final Thursday?
You know who gets the least p****?
The people who constantly talking about getting p****
No way in hell anyone f***ing rod wave dopplegangbanger for free or looks
I can’t have s***to a fat nigga’s music I’m sorry
This guy only f***s to fit men using their throat and diaphragm to make soothing sounds!
most just can't help themselves, but it's disheartening to see you choose to be such a terrible poster boredom is a motherfucker mane
I can’t have s***to a fat nigga’s music I’m sorry
so only brolic niggas get play in the boomboom room
got it
Your biggest contribution to this section is the Weekly Releases thread
That I started
like I dont be giving a s*** what yall be talking about in this section I be here to s*** post . I am already ahead of you
like I dont be giving a s*** what yall be talking about in this section I be here to s*** post . I am already ahead of you
that's my whole point i own up to all my s***ty threads, KTT clout is not that serious
that's my whole point i own up to all my s***ty threads, KTT clout is not that serious
for some it is.
You dont got to tell me they hate on me every thread