  • thread smell like hot dog water

  • Jul 24, 2020

    Remember when Blu released that noYork track list that was all lowercase with random underlines and uppercase letters? GOAT aesthetic

  • KobeToThe 🇩🇴
    Jul 24, 2020

    e.e cummings OUT NOW

  • Jul 24, 2020
    2 replies

    OP avi the real offender here

  • Jul 24, 2020

    i disagree, i dont think theres anything wrong with music production software being readily accessible to the masses. music isnt some artifact that should be locked away in a box just for certain groups to access

    the real problem is with lack of originality

    idk how this got 4 likes

    I dont believe theres anything inherently wrong with a higher degree of access to music making means or unicase titles. But i put a negative spin on it cause you were complaining about the titles.

    If originality can be measured with the amount of occurrences throughout history (lower amount being more original), then you could probably say that unicase titles are in fact more original than normal case.

    I would blame a lack of creativity rather than a lack of originality (just because i like to get into semantics) - why should people still be using static music formats anyway? We live in a digital age and dont have to bind information to inanimate objects. We've grown beyond the need for mp3s and metadata, why use titles at all?

    In the end the main reason is money. The easier it is to put into a package, the easier it is to sell. I can't wait until AI revolutionises art.

  • Jul 24, 2020

    hieroglyphic titles when

    Someone gonna release tracklist in Wingdings at some point

  • Jul 24, 2020

    OP avi the real offender here

    why :(

  • Jul 24, 2020

  • Jul 24, 2020

    social media fried yall brains, calling anything a meme

    Delusional people at an all time high

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply

    social media fried yall brains, calling anything a meme

    but this phenomenon actually is - by definition - a meme

    in fact it is more of a meme than what is normally considered a meme today

  • Jul 25, 2020
    2 replies

    but this phenomenon actually is - by definition - a meme

    in fact it is more of a meme than what is normally considered a meme today

    you’re wrong

  • Jul 25, 2020

    all lowercase gang gang

  • Jul 25, 2020

    OP avi the real offender here

  • Jul 25, 2020

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    a e s t h e t i c

  • Jul 25, 2020

    hieroglyphic titles when

    22, a million out now

  • Jul 25, 2020

    a e s t h e t i c

    V I B E

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    you’re wrong

    hes right

  • Jul 25, 2020

    It's just the aesthetic of the time period we live in

  • Jul 25, 2020

    how is aesthetic if everyone is doing it

    surely the aesthetic thing at this point is to have normal capitalisation

    Aesthetic doesn’t mean different or unique

    And I’d argue although the all upper / lower case is way more prevalent now, just as many artists use normal text if you count all genres

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    hes right


  • Jul 25, 2020

    who cares

  • Jul 25, 2020


    Look up what a meme is

  • Jul 25, 2020

    you guys find the most menial f***ing things to complain about

    like do you actually care about some f***ing letters?

  • Jul 25, 2020

    I actually like this thing, it helps making the aesthetic of an artist (or a group of artists) more consistent

    Also if I'm in a "all uppercase" album I know to expect maybe something aggressive, something all over the place, while with "all lowercase" I expect calmer music, maybe slower, more reflective, etc.

    I actually can't imagine albums from the Slums Collective without the all lowercase capitalization

    It's one of those little details that make everything better imho