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  • Oct 25, 2019

    For those of you that already realize what I mean by the title or any of the points that I’m about to make, this post isn’t for you. This is for the folks still stanning in the good year of our lord 2019.

    First off, let’s be clear. Kanye West isn’t a legitimate musician, fine artist, or fashion designer, obviously. He can’t play any instruments and he reportedly has little to no knowledge of music theory. That’s obvious enough and unarguable. It’s not necessarily essential to be or have any of these things to make good music, but I digress. Is Kanye really responsible for what actually makes his music good, though? Even on College Dropout there are legions of writing and production credits listed. Rhymefest supposedly wrote the vast majority of Jesus Walks, Kanye openly admitted Pardison Fontaine wrote almost all of Violent Crimes, literally his most personal song to date, apart from two lines. Mike Dean is pictured assisting Kanye as early as the CD sessions, and he’s often credited as a writer and producer even on tracks where Kanye supposedly produced and wrote the track himself. And that’s not even considering potential ghostwriting/producing. You’ve heard the rumors and conjecture on this site and abroad, 808’s being primarily the brainchild of Kid Cudi and Mr. Hudson, Rhymefest writing the best Ye verse on MBDTF (Gorgeous), Travis Scott supposedly ghostwriting most of Yeezus, etc etc etc. A lot of this rumor, some of it is factual and clearly credited, and some of it is even admitted and supported by the players involved.

    So the question is, how do you really consider Kanye? Me? I think he’s a great curator with great taste. Not just an “ideas guy” a la Steve Jobs, but like a literal art curator. But nothing more than this, really. The greatest moments on his records can almost never be claimed by him or him alone; DIAND beat (S1) or Mike Dean’s two guitar solos on Fantasy and Yeezus for example, and many of them are just samples, so were never his or any of his team’s victory to begin with. The reality of the situation is that this dude is a popstar. A charismatic, manic depressive narcissist that screamed at the sky that he was the best, and the r*****ed public at large believed him. I get it though, you might of the mindset that it’s the collaboration and the music that ensues that matters most, yeah, yeah I get it. Same tired arguments. No problem with that. But the guy’s no genius. Try Stevie or Prince or so many others sung and unsung if you want to hear true black excellence in music.

    I’ll be back to edit this, but these are just raw thoughts after hearing the album. Peace to y’all. Find the mogul and spark within yourselves, stop looking to literal hacks pushed by the (((powers that be))) or to live vicariously through another man’s success.

  • Oct 25, 2019

    didnt read but no

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Oct 25, 2019

    ban this clown

  • Oct 25, 2019

    Shut your mouth before I sock you in it

  • Oct 25, 2019
    1 reply

    I’m not even a Kanye fan (zero Kanye albums in rotation) and this is completely untrue, he has talent he just lacks direction on occasions

  • Oct 25, 2019


  • Oct 25, 2019
    1 reply

    No u are the r***** not me

  • Oct 25, 2019

    agreed OP I like your viewpoints and the different arguments even though I don't agree with all of them

  • Oct 25, 2019

    Why are you on a Kanye forum trying to tell people that obviously like Kanye that he talentless?? Clown?

  • Oct 25, 2019

    I may hate JIK with my whole sole but this is wildly inaccurate

  • Oct 25, 2019

    I’m not even a Kanye fan (zero Kanye albums in rotation) and this is completely untrue, he has talent he just lacks direction on occasions

    Yeah, Kanye has talent like the dude that wins your high school’s talent show has talent. He might be alright, but the very little talent he has is disproportionate to his acclaim and his stature in culture. Which is all good, I like the music. Just wake up and realize what’s really going on. Start considering Kanye as people have started to consider Drake, you’ve seen people posting the metaphor about the “OVO sweatshop”. No different here.

  • Imagine reading this trash

  • When will (You) stop making bad threads?

  • cerroverb

    No u are the r***** not me

    Got him

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