  • Mar 25, 2024

    I thought this s*** was satire

    I don’t ask out of a desire to see representation when it wasn’t historically accurate. I inquire because there were Black people in Japan in 1600 and before, though Japan could teach Florida a thing or two about rewriting history. According to multiple sources, one of the early real-life Shoguns, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro (758–811), was Black, though denied by others. There is a consensus he was something other than pure Japanese, and he is often considered descended from the Ainu, the darker-skinned indigenous people of northern Japan who were subjected to forced assimilation and colonization.

    The primary setting of Shogun was Osaka, which was Japan’s economic hub and cultural center during the period of the series. If there were Black people anywhere in Japan (and there were), they would also be in Osaka. Not necessarily freely living and roaming among the people but certainly as part of the groups of European emissaries. Perhaps the 2024 version of Shogun will break ground in future episodes and include the Black people present at the time, though they didn’t in 1980. There is a range of hues among the Japanese people depicted; maybe one will be revealed to be Black. There are some upcoming naval scenes pitting Japanese ships against Europeans, so there’s hope some Black sailors will reflect historical accuracy.

    The statue of Tamuramaro at Kiyomizudera is normally closed to the public. Since its construction in 778, Kiyomizudera has been plagued by numerous fires and rebuilt several times. The current statue has none of the Negroid features described by Hyman.

    Many researchers have documented the suggestion of and existence of Africans in Japan, one dating back 22,000 years, near Osaka, where much of the Shogun series took place.

  • Mar 25, 2024

    Smh let the Asians do some Asian s***, they need representation too.

    Is anyone demanding that all black casted films need to add some Mexicans or Indians?

  • Mar 25, 2024

    This can’t be real

  • Mar 25, 2024

    What's so outrageous

  • Mar 25, 2024

    How would having a diverse cast take away from the story though?

  • Mar 25, 2024

    I'm not gonna lie to you if you got away from watching shogun thinking the author has some deep intricate understanding of the 1600s you are a dumbass. Story is superficial as hell and even comedic at times with the forced serious dialogue.