I was feeling like hating but the three songs I just played are hard hold on now
one of his best albums since MOTM2 was Entergalactic but this might be a close second
I’m going INSANO MODE (ft Drake)
Alright, now that’s just too INSANO you be careful!
Just finished it all. Decent effort nothing crazy....electrowavebaby still the best track for me and the leak version was better imo
I liked the Dennis song and the one with rocky too
Idk how you niggas hear Just What I Am, Immortal, Cold Blooded, King Wizard, Solo Dolo II, Young Lady, Beez, Burn Baby Burn, Brothers and say that s*** is terrible especially when he produced the album with only a year of practice. Everyone is allowed their opinions tho
Those songs are cool especially with the context of Cudi learning to produce himself, but its still tough to swallow as the follow up to MOTMII. Burning the bridge with Emile and GOOD hurt his sound for years unfortunately
talk to em op
@WaltDisneyOG found our tribe
oh btw it's hard to say my fave cause i love every song. but my least fave is def the pharrel joint
talk to em op
@WaltDisneyOG found our tribe
oh btw it's hard to say my fave cause i love every song. but my least fave is def the pharrel joint
Really? How is at the party your least fav?
haven’t listened to the whole thing yet but the songs i’ve heard already make this album better than anything he’s dropped since Indicud
motm3 was great
but this amazing also
Really? How is at the party your least fav?
the beat and that duppy ass nigga singing was so yucky
the beat and that duppy ass nigga singing was so yucky
Damn Pharrell a Duppy ass nigga
Wait there’s actually decent features on here?
no they all kinda stink besides travis, don’t fall for the X clickbait and yachty does poland again
so what was the end result
6/6. @ work now