She’s one of my favorite parts of Clone Wars, so yeah I’d say top 20/25ish if I thought about it, maybe higher idk
1. Anakin/Vader
2. Obi Wan
3. Luke
4. Revan
5. Yoda
6. Boba Fett
7. Mace Windu
8. Palpatine
9. Count Dooku
10. Qui Gon Jinn
11. Cad Bane
12. Jabba the Hutt
13. General Grievous
14. C3P0
15. Din Djarin
16. Bastila Shan
17. Darth Maul
18. Ahsoka Tano
19. Rey
20. Kylo Ren
HM: Jango Fett, Han Solo, R2D2, Lando Calrissian, Grogu, Darth Malgus, Darth Nihilis, Savage Opress, Mother Talzin & Padme Amidala
probably somewhere in the top 15. it's hard for her to break through most of the main characters in the 9 film saga but imo she's far and away the best character introduced outside of those films.
probably somewhere in the top 15. it's hard for her to break through most of the main characters in the 9 film saga but imo she's far and away the best character introduced outside of those films.
aint no 9 film saga its only 6
i hated her in the beginning but she really shined in the later seasons. She now one of my favorites
1. Anakin/Vader
2. Obi Wan
3. Luke
4. Revan
5. Yoda
6. Boba Fett
7. Mace Windu
8. Palpatine
9. Count Dooku
10. Qui Gon Jinn
11. Cad Bane
12. Jabba the Hutt
13. General Grievous
14. C3P0
15. Din Djarin
16. Bastila Shan
17. Darth Maul
18. Ahsoka Tano
19. Rey
20. Kylo Ren
HM: Jango Fett, Han Solo, R2D2, Lando Calrissian, Grogu, Darth Malgus, Darth Nihilis, Savage Opress, Mother Talzin & Padme Amidala
I’m picking the alien characters that killed anakins mother over rey
Ashoka top 7 for me
She was Anakin’s padawan during his TRUE descent into vader and distrusting the council. She somehow got framed, kicked out and still didn’t come back as a sith to them lol, just someone who wants to seek the real meaning of the force. I resonate with the characters who fall in between the jedi order and the dark side
If she died in rebels id probably put her in top 10 tired of her character now so she like 25
Anyone with Boba in their top 10 is nuts and has an horrible evaluation of character.