are you comparing it to stuff like ultralight beam and good morning or just strictly weird non-song intros like CD intro, LR intro, every hour. cuz i feel like it doesn’t make sense to compare it to actual songs
I always count the first real song as the intro. I think jail is top 5. I haven’t really listened to the deluxe tracklist but I imagine hurricane isn’t top 5 intros
why so
Because it’s literally not even a song
More of an interlude/skit
Because it’s literally not even a song
More of an interlude/skit
ya i kno but dis thread is about album intros
Wake Up Mr West
If we talkin intros there’s literally no beating the opening skit to LR
ya i kno but dis thread is about album intros
It’s a bottom tier intro from ye imo
It’s not enjoyable to listen to, reminds me of asmr
It’s a bottom tier intro from ye imo
It’s not enjoyable to listen to, reminds me of asmr
yea i agree on the asmr stuff she's def close-mic'd
i like it a lot tho
sets a cool tone for the album to me
like a calm b4 the storm but the calm aint even calm it's a symbol of longing so u know the storm's gonna be heavy
If we talkin intros there’s literally no beating the opening skit to LR
we're talking intros
we're talking intros
Is that not the intro
Y’all confusing me
By that logic jail is the intro
Is that not the intro
Y’all confusing me
By that logic jail is the intro
no Wake Up Mr West is the intro
you just said "if we talkin intros" and I said we talk about intros
it's all good
jail is the intro to the album
This , unless you count wake up mr west and college dropout intro the intro , you have to include the skit intro and the first SONG together tbh
Ultralight Beam
Good Morning
On Sight
Donda Chant + Jail
LR Intro + Heard Em Say
Say You Will
Dark Fantasy
CD Intro + We Don’t Care + Graduation Day
I Thought About Killing You
Every Hour + Selah
No Church In The Wild
Feel The Love
Dark Fantasy
Say You Will
We Don’t Care
Heard Em Say
Ultralight Beam
No Church in the Wild
Good Morning
On Sight
Feel The Love
I Thought About Killing You
Every Hour
I always count the first real song as the intro. I think jail is top 5. I haven’t really listened to the deluxe tracklist but I imagine hurricane isn’t top 5 intros
This time none of the The intros had a rap (except hurricane on the deluxe, but even than doesn’t seem like a usual Ye intro rap and he wasent even on the first verse) sounded like the opening … 24 would of been up there with say you will if it was the intro since they both don’t have a rap verse, so now say you will is still the only Ye album with out a rap opening. Jail is cool because Hov is the one with the verse. DONDA title track never really felt like an intro, well the song did but not the verse with Push, it’s better in the middle of the album, at least we have the second listening party version so it’s technically the intro for that version . That’s what’s cool about this album , the alternate sequencing. … all I can think of is if jail had a beat switch where Ye spit a good opening verse on par with dark fantasy good morning on sight etc . .. out of all the DONDA intros jail was the best intro he got that perfect with Hov on it and God Breathed is technically his opening rap even tho it’s not the first or even second track … and than off the grid after … fuuuuuuucccccck … Ima be honest .. I loose my boner when hurricane comes on but than praise God is on after so it comes back …. .. than I choose to listen to my DONDA Season playlist or my Jesus Is King Deluxe which is pretty sexually explicit …. Or I I just tease my self with those intros and than … like is off the grid not audio p*** too you ? That’s why I have playlists of Ye’s p*** audio mixed in with other music … it might just be me but watching p*** or having s***with Ye music is top tier !!!!!’ I got off track a little.
Oh yeah I forgot ultralight beam doesn’t have a Ye rap intro . … also appreciate the first listening party how he put Jail as the outro and 24 as the intro which means DONDA title track is the first rap on the album … We don’t care heard Em say and good morning are great… but he took it to another level with dark fantasy and on sight opening an album like that .. and than you have FSMH as the funniest opening rap with the most beautiful music ever
FEEL THE LOVE he just broke the tradition completely and I don’t think anyone’s had Push do the opening on an album with no other other features and than Ye makes gun shot noises over those crazy drums ? TO THE WORLD builds up with that R Smelly intro and Ye comes in smooth over those booming 808s and loud snared . Minimalism. And let’s not forget no church in the wild . WHAT WILL HE COME UP WITH NEXT ???????
Say You Will
On Sight
Ultralight Beam
Every Hour
Good Morning
Dark Fantasy
Donda Chant + Jail
Heard em Say
We Dont Care
No Church In The Wild
Feel The Love
Dark Fantasy
Say You Will
We Don't Care
On Sight
Good Morning
Donda Chant+Jail
Feel The Love
No Church In The Wild
Heard Em Say
Every Hour
This time none of the The intros had a rap (except hurricane on the deluxe, but even than doesn’t seem like a usual Ye intro rap and he wasent even on the first verse) sounded like the opening … 24 would of been up there with say you will if it was the intro since they both don’t have a rap verse, so now say you will is still the only Ye album with out a rap opening. Jail is cool because Hov is the one with the verse. DONDA title track never really felt like an intro, well the song did but not the verse with Push, it’s better in the middle of the album, at least we have the second listening party version so it’s technically the intro for that version . That’s what’s cool about this album , the alternate sequencing. … all I can think of is if jail had a beat switch where Ye spit a good opening verse on par with dark fantasy good morning on sight etc . .. out of all the DONDA intros jail was the best intro he got that perfect with Hov on it and God Breathed is technically his opening rap even tho it’s not the first or even second track … and than off the grid after … fuuuuuuucccccck … Ima be honest .. I loose my boner when hurricane comes on but than praise God is on after so it comes back …. .. than I choose to listen to my DONDA Season playlist or my Jesus Is King Deluxe which is pretty sexually explicit …. Or I I just tease my self with those intros and than … like is off the grid not audio p*** too you ? That’s why I have playlists of Ye’s p*** audio mixed in with other music … it might just be me but watching p*** or having s***with Ye music is top tier !!!!!’ I got off track a little.
Jail thematically is a great intro