  • Sep 18, 2021
    1 reply

    mans said "he probably just stranded her in the woods and let her die" like he just be on that with people

    it's def an option tho
    esp if no phone or close to civilization

  • Sep 18, 2021
    1 reply

    it's def an option tho
    esp if no phone or close to civilization

    I mean yeah possible but still basically foul / the same thing as killing especially if he injured her . That’s why he on the run now

  • Sep 18, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean yeah possible but still basically foul / the same thing as killing especially if he injured her . That’s why he on the run now

    idk if i'd say same but yeah it's f***ed lol

    was gonna ask if something happened to him missing or on the run missing. i suspected him just cause it gave me that vibe of the dude that killed his wife and daughters

  • Sep 18, 2021
    2 replies

    idk if i'd say same but yeah it's f***ed lol

    was gonna ask if something happened to him missing or on the run missing. i suspected him just cause it gave me that vibe of the dude that killed his wife and daughters

    Lol he on the run now he went misssing today

  • Sep 18, 2021

    Lol he on the run now he went misssing today

    lol oh ok

  • Sep 18, 2021
    3 replies

    Why the fck did he lawyer up so quick. Secondly, I know damn sure if my bf went missing I’d be out there looking for him.

  • Sep 18, 2021

    Why the fck did he lawyer up so quick. Secondly, I know damn sure if my bf went missing I’d be out there looking for him.

    He guilty guilty

  • Sep 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Janet so sweet she don’t realize this white boy guilty as f***

  • Sep 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Lol he on the run now he went misssing today

    He's either trying to live that "desert van life" on the run or he went to go kill himself

    Either way he's guilty af for lawyering up and disappearing

  • TheRocket64

    He's either trying to live that "desert van life" on the run or he went to go kill himself

    Either way he's guilty af for lawyering up and disappearing

  • Sep 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Cops basically let him get away twice

  • Sep 18, 2021
    2 replies

    imagine your girlfriend goes missing and you just like "talk to my lawyer bucko"

    Smart no?

  • ganger

    Smart no?

    I want a lot of y’all under surveillance

  • Mans domestically abused his girlfriend she went missing he her last known contact has spent 0 time looking for her and 0 time giving police information yall like “ he did the right thing lawyering up right away “ he 100% will face crimes of something. You can’t just abandon someone in the middle of nowhere

  • Sep 18, 2021
    2 replies

    Why the fck did he lawyer up so quick. Secondly, I know damn sure if my bf went missing I’d be out there looking for him.

    You should always lawyer up lol. Regardless

  • Sep 18, 2021

    Cops basically let him get away twice

    They’re gonna let him “get away” a third time when they eventually find him innocent in court too

  • Sep 18, 2021

    it is very obvious that the mafia killed the woman and forced the man to be quiet, and now that it has become an international story they are killing him as well so that nobody will ever know the truth

    the movie that comes from this ~5 years from now will be sensational

  • Sep 18, 2021

    Police are so got damn trash man

  • Sep 18, 2021
    Bo Ceephus

    Sad situation. If you're in a violent relationship, please get out of it. Get yourself free from it. Love knows no bounds and it can rise to beautiful heights as well as terribly dark depths.

    Even if you get out of it, can lead to very scary things tho. Sometimes it aint that easy w all the psychos out there

  • Sep 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Janet so sweet she don’t realize this white boy guilty as f***

    Boy lol I know he’s guilty.

    He’s being way too sus

  • Sep 18, 2021

    You should always lawyer up lol. Regardless

    That’s his right to do so.

    I just think he’s showing no remorse. That’s too much sus for me

  • Sep 18, 2021
    1 reply

    if an animal or something got her or they had an argument and left each other and he comes back to not being able to find her I can see how he’d be confused on what to do next

    Ofc he also coulda just killed her

    The only thing that looks ugly for him is that he never tried to contact authorities

    S*** like 127 hours has me scared af of situations like this shorty could really be anywhere

    Hope she gets found alive thats f***ed up

  • Sep 18, 2021

    yea this nigga guilty

  • Sep 18, 2021
    2 replies

    You should always lawyer up lol. Regardless

    Facts. Innocent or not. Idk why the people itt act like that's what makes him guilty lol

  • Sep 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Facts. Innocent or not. Idk why the people itt act like that's what makes him guilty lol

    Nah what makes him guilty is providing 0 information, not even pretending to look for her and him being missing now
