Where do y’all get your plugins from? I’ve had waves for like like 3 years I’m trying to get some new tools for this heat.
I say this for OP. Pirate plugins until you get rich enough to buy them.
Learn how stuff in your DAW works before pirating
Limitation breeds creativity
I say this for OP. Pirate plugins until you get rich enough to buy them.
You know where I can pirate Spitfire Audio or Orchestral Tools libraries...?
use magesy (posts older plugins you might miss out on as well as new), audioz, then either cop real-debrid to download the links fast (dirt cheap), or like others have said, rutracker (real-debrid can DL torrents to cloud too)
For best sounds:
Omnisphere, kontakt (particularly older legacy libraries, some newer ones too), arturia v collection, xpand2. For FX. too many, but they’re crucial.
For best sounds:
Omnisphere, kontakt (particularly older legacy libraries, some newer ones too), arturia v collection, xpand2. For FX. too many, but they’re crucial.
Omnisphere is pretty much a requirement at this point. No offense to Sakura but its not that great. Omnisphere just has more going for it
Damn, I feel like I'm in the minority of people who buy plugins and DAWs. I used to torrent, but I stopped a year ago or so and started buying everything.
I realized at a point I was only downloading things for the hell of it. I ended up deleting 402GB worth of pirated music software.
I remember when I used to produce heavy, I downloaded Omnishphere, s*** took like a day and half