Expensive to keep stores open all night and higher risk of theft for very little benefit
So why were they a thing at all
A lot of these eggs have 2 yolks
Wtf is that about
nigga bought some radioactive eggs
I have a GOATed convenience store/liquor store/deli that’s open til 5 today
nigga bought some radioactive eggs
We getting egg super powers in this b****
Merry Christmas y'all
When you’re friends with someone who raises chickens PLUG
My sister had chickens growing up
A coyote ate em
update @op are u still alive
can u fly or are u bedridden
update @op are u still alive
can u fly or are u bedridden
We're all good almost forgot them at home but went back for them
They were... fine, surprisingly enough
We're all good almost forgot them at home but went back for them
They were... fine, surprisingly enough
I am s***ting my brains out atm though
you after gas station eggs and a night of drinking
my neighbors are maniacs, theyd cut my power and threaten me over a box fan
the main maniac has now moved into his storage unit in the basement, its a shared basement with a laundry room. But hes in the renters storage unit
tf do I do at this point I put this in the whats on your mind thread too with a lot more detail
A supermarket I reckon. I have several 24 hr supermarkets open rn and the rest will open at 7am
Dead at you bumping this, but where I live 24 hour supermarkets disappeared due to covid and I think I had to be leaving around 7, think I explained this earlier in the thread