They’re always trying to gas up whatever slop era he’s currently in and pretending it holds a candle to trilogy
I'd post your avi if you had one
Carti fans are up there but basically because they are literal children
Carti fans are unironically funny so I have a genuine soft spot for them
Using the term "papi" is so cringe cause fans of Drake don't even do that lmaoooo
they 100 percent do
I was thinking the same thing WRU, we loved that in the 2010s
u speak french now?
Hate to say it but death grips fans are insane these days
Ignoring the concert incidents theyve just gotten weird as f*** online, especially on reddit
The pearl clutching over a fantano vid on the band ending the other day was unreal
They’re always trying to gas up whatever slop era he’s currently in and pretending it holds a candle to trilogy
It’s crazy him and Rocky still have such diehard fans when neither of them have made good music in over a decade
I have to go with what I know by virtue of frequenting this site & not the s*** mountain that is Twitter, I don’t go to the hip hop side of ig (if there even is one) Drake fans somehow inherit aspects of his persona, the sassiness, the chip on the shoulder, while also having this sense of superiority , it’s quite bizarre
be transparent and make the title “who’s worse ovhoes or kbots” because that was the guaranteed goal of this thread and exactly where it’s heading
niggas gon take that bait everytime too cause are you really spending your time on ktt wisely if you don’t complain about your opps everyday
Travis Scott hispanic fans and Death Grips White fanbase are "cringe" to me in my irl experiences
Overall winners in most cringe are Eminem or Beyonce fans.
Drake because his male fans have an actual crush on bro
Male Drake fans are the hoes that they say he makes music for.
Male Drake fans are the hoes that they say he makes music for. Drake fans are the hoes that they say he makes music for. is just a good post