@Aftermath @Teal_ I'm gonna get banned for this but I 100% agree
their music was s***, period.
I’m not trolling at all, I find him unlistenable. I don’t understand the hype
He has a handful of decent songs to me
And I’ve listened to all of his s*** multiple times to find the appeal
@Aftermath @Teal_ I'm gonna get banned for this but I 100% agree
See you in a couple of weeks bro just for the record mods brockhampton are young goats
Apart from the fact the f***ing suck
every female rapper besides lil kim, foxy brown, young MA, Little Simz, Lauryn hill , Missy elliott.
lil xan has 1 album and its complete dogshit I vote him
i forgot he was a thing that was a wild era for music