Black milk. Hasnt missed his entire career, yet no ones really tapped in
Tobi lou, though he has a pretty big core fanbase. Id think hed be more mainstream though
New black milk album has some of the best production I’ve heard this year
@Q3D now do me a favor and instead of a post…make a thread with the same song of mine
Savage Made - Muchacha in Music section and let’s see what happens!!!…
Sabsad said that I’m a spam poster…so somebody else has to post it…sabsad won’t post it himself…he’s 2 for 2 on locking my threads so far so I’m bettin’ this one is up for lock down too!!!…🤣
EDIT: I don’t mean to single you out!!!…Don’t worry about it cuz I don’t want you on the choppin’ block for me!!!…I’m gon’ make it regardless!!!..Thanks for recognizin’ and have a great weekend!!!..💯✊🏾
UnoTheActivist drops fire for like 7-8 years and still has not enough recognition
also bigbabygucci
UnoTheActivist drops fire for like 7-8 years and still has not enough recognition
also bigbabygucci
Never heard of him…drop his 3 best tracks in your opinion to recommend…
Never heard of him…drop his 3 best tracks in your opinion to recommend…
uno or bbg?
Never heard of him…drop his 3 best tracks in your opinion to recommend…
some of my fav Uno's tracks are:
amazing (with fauni)
let it go
deeply scared (trippie's track)
ghostrider (with madeintyo)
uno or bbg?
S*** forgot…yeah drop some tracks from bigbabygucci…I’m bout to check out UnoTheActivist…thanks!!!…
@Q3D now do me a favor and instead of a post…make a thread with the same song of mine
Savage Made - Muchacha in Music section and let’s see what happens!!!…
Sabsad said that I’m a spam poster…so somebody else has to post it…sabsad won’t post it himself…he’s 2 for 2 on locking my threads so far so I’m bettin’ this one is up for lock down too!!!…🤣
EDIT: I don’t mean to single you out!!!…Don’t worry about it cuz I don’t want you on the choppin’ block for me!!!…I’m gon’ make it regardless!!!..Thanks for recognizin’ and have a great weekend!!!..💯✊🏾
S*** forgot…yeah drop some tracks from bigbabygucci…I’m bout to check out UnoTheActivist…thanks!!!…
mark of the beast
Jason Voorhees
pressure + layers
take time
party pack
some of my fav Uno's tracks are:
amazing (with fauni)
let it go
deeply scared (trippie's track)
ghostrider (with madeintyo)
That Amazing track is dope!!!…Thanks for the rec!!!…Fucked around and found out about this kid as a result of the Amazing video!!!…You ever heard of Dummy Boy???…You probably have…
his s*** isnt mainstream and marketable. i like vince staples but its inside headphones music not club banger tiktok hits
That Amazing track is dope!!!…Thanks for the rec!!!…Fucked around and found out about this kid as a result of the Amazing video!!!…You ever heard of Dummy Boy???…You probably have…
!, love thouxanbanfauni too. also some of my favourite tracks:
The Game but it's mostly his own doing
I think you picked the best one. He’s survived in the rap game waaaay longer than most, esp dudes from his era, but is really his own worst enemy.
ok disprove me rn
K camp , cousin stizz
I play cut her off often!!!…lol…bout to play that s*** now…but never heard of cousin stizz…post some of his best s***!!!…