I noticed that you posted this in multiple threads. Why do you put a laughing smiley after making an observation about black people being killed?
I noticed multiple threads posted with misinformation, that's the only way to react to ultimate irony
USA bad for your health, gotta expand your horizons
Only been to Portugal, it was beautiful and everyone was trying to sell me weed or ecstasy
Europe doesn’t want non white people because they don’t want to deal with the consequences of their colonialist actions
isn't France super nationalist and hates immigrants or something
France is fine if you in tourist cities like Paris.
Europe being racist but in USA y'all kill each other is so funny to me
The USA is a big place and most places race relations are way better than Europe.
I'm finna move to France in a few years but I'm wonderbread white so yeah
but i think it's still one of the better countries for yourself, like others have mentioned
I feel u i grew up here my whole life and find myself thinking about getting out of this place more and more recently lol
Like here its lit dont get me wrong but i cant stand how if you're broke the system is design to keep u that way. And im like f*** that. + the increased pricing in rent? Ridiculous
Europe doesn’t want non white people because they don’t want to deal with the consequences of their colonialist actions
Western Europe is hella xenophobic/classist, even to other countries from Europe
Like here its lit dont get me wrong but i cant stand how if you're broke the system is design to keep u that way. And im like f*** that. + the increased pricing in rent? Ridiculous
Yea it's not looking good for this generation at all .. student loans and on top of that the housing crisis and i havent even talked about covid
Basically if ur 18-24 yrs old and not rich ur just f***ed
Can thank Rutte for that, his dream rly is to turn this country into a miniature america
Would do Italy for the food & so I can go to San Siro every weekend, but racism still seems so unhinged there
But ye it's a problem depends where u go, Milan & Rome are the safest place
Switzerland and everything north from that
But ye it's a problem depends where u go, Milan & Rome are the safest place
woof, what’s like the sketchiest places, what about Naples Lmao
woof, what’s like the sketchiest places, what about Naples Lmao
Watch your mouth about Naples
Watch your mouth about Naples
I’d love to visit Naples, but I’ve seen. to many movies that suggest it wouldn’t safe for me maybe lol
Yea it's not looking good for this generation at all .. student loans and on top of that the housing crisis and i havent even talked about covid
Basically if ur 18-24 yrs old and not rich ur just f***ed
Can thank Rutte for that, his dream rly is to turn this country into a miniature america
Wait Netherlands doesn't have free university?
Wait Netherlands doesn't have free university?
Nope 2k tuition a year
If you're from a lower income household you can get up to 400 euros a month tho for up to 4 years tho
Wait Netherlands doesn't have free university?
i know in the UK u gotta take a test to get in right?
I’d love to visit Naples, but I’ve seen. to many movies that suggest it wouldn’t safe for me maybe lol
In certain zones of the city it ain't safe for us who live here neither.
There are safe zones tho.
It's not always negative and violent as it seem in movies/tv series.
It depends by where you know you can go and can't