  • Jan 4, 2022

  • Jan 4, 2022

    Worst album cover to artists ratio of all time

  • Jan 4, 2022

  • Jan 4, 2022
    2 replies

    need to wait until music is out to give full thoughts

    CLB cover was nice cause all the colour made the music better to me

    easier to associate colours with each song

  • Jan 4, 2022
    1 reply

    both ass LOL

  • Jan 4, 2022
    3 replies

    Still cant believe Drake hired f***ing Dam Hirst of all people

    Bro is a scam artist & not even liked in the artworld who now hires others to do "his" own pieces lmao and now he has this kind of exposure

    S*** is disappointing & wild af 💀

  • Jan 4, 2022

    iMessage vs FaceApp

  • Jan 4, 2022
    1 reply

    Crazy how CLB album cover is more real world iconic than some of KTTs favorites actual music lol

  • Jan 4, 2022
    young slimer 4ever

    both ass LOL

  • Jan 4, 2022
    2 replies

    I just do not believe that is the album art for Dawn FM. I don't care if it was posted by The Weeknd captioned "album cover // pre-save link in bio"

    Nigga look like Andross from Star Fox 64.

  • Jan 4, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver
    · edited

    Still cant believe Drake hired f***ing Dam Hirst of all people

    Bro is a scam artist & not even liked in the artworld who now hires others to do "his" own pieces lmao and now he has this kind of exposure

    S*** is disappointing & wild af 💀

    Yeah that was a bizarre pick

  • Jan 4, 2022

    Yeah that was a bizarre pick

    Not surprised that the majority of people dont know him but Drake himself HAS to know of Damian's history & rep

    Like wtf lmao

  • Jan 4, 2022
    Smacked Voodoo

    I just do not believe that is the album art for Dawn FM. I don't care if it was posted by The Weeknd captioned "album cover // pre-save link in bio"

    Nigga look like Andross from Star Fox 64.


  • Jan 4, 2022
    1 reply

    Iconic authentic artwork vs try hard artsy fartsy iPhone 12 portrait mode

  • Jan 4, 2022

    Iconic authentic artwork vs try hard artsy fartsy iPhone 12 portrait mode

    Chad Pregnant Emojis vs. Virgin Geriatric Arthritis Vibes

  • Jan 4, 2022
    2 replies

    Vynil cover for example

  • Jan 4, 2022

    both bad

  • Jan 4, 2022
    2 replies
    Water Giver

    Still cant believe Drake hired f***ing Dam Hirst of all people

    Bro is a scam artist & not even liked in the artworld who now hires others to do "his" own pieces lmao and now he has this kind of exposure

    S*** is disappointing & wild af 💀

    he's hype tho, cool w Bari and stuff like that

  • Jan 4, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Still cant believe Drake hired f***ing Dam Hirst of all people

    Bro is a scam artist & not even liked in the artworld who now hires others to do "his" own pieces lmao and now he has this kind of exposure

    S*** is disappointing & wild af 💀

    Damien Hirst a necessary evil in the art world tbh. Big, expensive, shocking and pointless makes quite a good exhibition. them spot paintings are fkn horrible though

  • Jan 4, 2022
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    I just do not believe that is the album art for Dawn FM. I don't care if it was posted by The Weeknd captioned "album cover // pre-save link in bio"

    Nigga look like Andross from Star Fox 64.

    Put some respect onto Andross

  • Jan 4, 2022
    7 replies

    Easily CLB. The duality of it is what impresses me the most. On the one hand, it’s just simple emojis. Seems very low effort. But this is Drake saying that he wants the music to speak for itself first and foremost. He doesn’t need gimmicks, theatrics, or controversy. Unlike some people. Music comes number 1, as it should.

    But a second glance also reveals a striking complexity. The use of emojis is Drake commenting on how the digital age has reduced complex emotions and difficult conversations previously held and expressed in person to simple images, emojis. We’ve become brain dead consumers, whose thought has been reduced by corporations to the lowest common denominators that could never possibly capture the full intricacy of our individual thoughts and feelings.
    Corporations like Apple attempt to homogenize us into simple unquestioning sacks of flesh, capable of only communicating through grunts in the form of emojis, not much different than our Neanderthal progenitors. This breeds a knuckle dragging populace incapable of thinking critically about the role technology plays in keeping us under heel and subservient to our corporate overlords. Drake invites us to ponder this.

    I think he’s also asking us to reflect on the burden women are forced to carry in our society, and how this burden is further complicated by the intersectional oppressions of race and gender, hence the beautiful diversity of women showcased through this art.

    Drake effectively makes a statement while simultaneously asking very hard questions about our postmodern society.

  • Jan 4, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Put some respect onto Andross

    Nintendo needs to put some respect on him and make another Star Fox game that doesn't suck

  • Jan 4, 2022
    2 replies
    Z 326

    he's hype tho, cool w Bari and stuff like that

    Isn’t bari a rapist

  • Jan 4, 2022

    It looks like Abel took more than 10 seconds on his so Dawn wins by default

    Drake deserves to be clowned for the rest of his career for that cover