Also rip tobacky that dude was funny asf and shouts to @Aquilla and @AudioConsulting for fire music recs
The key is to keep a specific theme with your avi. Can’t switch it up too drastically or else you lose your identity
Yall give a s*** about that?
Also rip tobacky that dude was funny asf and shouts to @Aquilla and @AudioConsulting for fire music recs
@Water_Giver @Vox @AudioConsulting @proper @Sk8brdKee @Slapfiendd @mdmadon @xingu @Bushmanate
They all give me the feeling of not just comfort but a sense of community. Ik we in KTT2 territory when looking at their avi's
@Water_Giver @Vox @AudioConsulting @proper @Sk8brdKee @Slapfiendd @mdmadon @xingu @Bushmanate
They all give me the feeling of not just comfort but a sense of community. Ik we in KTT2 territory when looking at their avi's
@Water_Giver @Vox @AudioConsulting @proper @Sk8brdKee @Slapfiendd @mdmadon @xingu @Bushmanate
They all give me the feeling of not just comfort but a sense of community. Ik we in KTT2 territory when looking at their avi's
my dawg fasho
@Water_Giver @Vox @AudioConsulting @proper @Sk8brdKee @Slapfiendd @mdmadon @xingu @Bushmanate
They all give me the feeling of not just comfort but a sense of community. Ik we in KTT2 territory when looking at their avi's
@Aquilla @mjpplus @op @KingOfPop @Sk8brdKee @Chip_Skylark @twitch @proper @motionhue @insertcoolnamehere @SplezMcLongstroke LEGENDS
@Aquilla @mjpplus @op @KingOfPop @Sk8brdKee @Chip_Skylark @twitch @proper @motionhue @insertcoolnamehere @SplezMcLongstroke LEGENDS
Ur a mad man ;)
@Water_Giver @Vox @AudioConsulting @proper @Sk8brdKee @Slapfiendd @mdmadon @xingu @Bushmanate
They all give me the feeling of not just comfort but a sense of community. Ik we in KTT2 territory when looking at their avi's
u one of them for me too bro
@Aquilla @mjpplus @op @KingOfPop @Sk8brdKee @Chip_Skylark @twitch @proper @motionhue @insertcoolnamehere @SplezMcLongstroke LEGENDS
Yall are mad men mentioning me lolololol but thanks
@goddess because that’s the only person I remember from KTT1 days
@Aquilla always posting ideas in my thread
@mdmadon just cause I never seen a bad post
@Water_Giver cute Avi , cool dude
@proper classic
@Elric solid dude
@Chip_Skylark fellow foot fetish bandit gang 🤞🏾
@mjpplus good movie taste
Honorable mention @CutiePieHole , @TheRocket64 , @Jammuh , @Misfit
@youngtubesteak2 brotha 🤞🏾