Also Culture I
Culture Intro
T Shirt
Call Casting
Bad and Boujee
Get Right Witcha
just start at t shirt, get rich witcha is way better and bigger than the intro
Only miss is Dark Times
Losers is garbage.
Come to think of it, I probably like Starboy just a bit more. I didn’t enjoy the pop cuts on BBTM. But I Feel It Coming is top 5 of his for me. Same with True Colors
Rip Screw
Stop trying to be god
No bystanders
Start with STTBG and add Wake up
Start with STTBG and add Wake up
Man I love wake up but Rip Screw is a top 15 Travis song in my opinion
He spoke facts tho
Fame is a really good album
She Ain’t You is better than any song on BBTM
She Ain’t You is better than any song on BBTM
Ok no
The only right answer
That’s a killer four track run in the OP tho so great company by two awesome talents
Thriller. Any four tracks
Reason why I stated Modern artist was for this reason.
Thriller blows almost any album out of the water
Reason why I stated Modern artist was for this reason.
Thriller blows almost any album out of the water
Missed that part. Gave my flowers in my last post though. Not a lot of tapes beating that tbh
I’ll give you time
She Ain’t You is better than any song on BBTM
Damn how it feel to be this wrong chief?
Great contender
10 bands
Know yourself
No telling
Energy so boring to me
Never understood why it go so big tbh