I have been considering getting a Nintendo Switch. But don’t know which switch version I should get. Any help would be nice
and is the switch even worth it to get into
I have only been gaming on PC and PlayStation in the past.
The one where you can put it on the tv
Also. Imma be real
Only good games on switch are odyssey, and BOTW.
Rest is mid or games you can get on playstation or pc
Having the option to have a portable nintendo and a tv one all at the same time is literally the reason I bought one. Gone are the days of having to choose their handhelds or tv consoles
If you only see your self playing on the handheld, get the Lite, if you want to use the TV use it on the TV
as for your second question, it depends on the type of gamer you are, I rarely use my Switch since it's type of games don't appeal to me but it's great for my niece and nephew whenever they come over
Yeah I think I would use it more if I can use the TV
Honestly, in terms of graphics it’s not the height of power but for what it is, it does it well.
The same TV console Nintendo power level, and also more powerful than their previous (tv only) console but also able to pick it up. I was sold day one. The graphics for their games look great, and I’m someone who hasn’t played a lot of the ports so I don’t mind some of the oldies on this thing.
the original one
Also. Imma be real
Only good games on switch are odyssey, and BOTW.
Rest is mid or games you can get on playstation or pc
super Mario maker 2 and animal crossing are goat imo
Also the links awakening remake was great
Also. Imma be real
Only good games on switch are odyssey, and BOTW.
Rest is mid or games you can get on playstation or pc
With Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Luigi's Mansion 3, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, Smash Ultimate, Super Mario Maker 2, Splatoon 2, Animal Crossing, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Link's Awakening, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Dragon Quest XI: S, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?
Best advice I can give you OP is to pretend this post doesn't exist
Also. Imma be real
Only good games on switch are odyssey, and BOTW.
Rest is mid or games you can get on playstation or pc
Big cap
cop the OG joint that docks, if you've got the extra funds get both the OG and the lite, i personally use my lite for my portable youtube tendencies instead of my phone and when im traveling somewhere.
Thanks for the help what is some of the best games to get into? I’m gonna cop smash and Mario kart but what else
Thanks for the help what is some of the best games to get into? I’m gonna cop smash and Mario kart but what else
Astral Chain, Animal crossing, Luigi's mansion 3, Dragon's dogma, Dragon Quest, Xenoblade chronicles, Borderlands,
Also. Imma be real
Only good games on switch are odyssey, and BOTW.
Rest is mid or games you can get on playstation or pc
Thanks for the help what is some of the best games to get into? I’m gonna cop smash and Mario kart but what else
Odyssey is the best game on the system with botw behind it in 2nd
Thanks for the help what is some of the best games to get into? I’m gonna cop smash and Mario kart but what else
Zelda BOTW and Link's Awakening, Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Three Houses & Astral Chain, if we're talking exclusives
Oddysey way overrated. Fun for a few days but not nearly worth 60 bucks. Botw was good but the longer I go without playing it the worse it becomes in my head, it was fun once but pretty unewrwhelming my second attempted playthrough. Splatoon 2 is goat if you never played it and obviously animal crossing is gas. Only game I will say is outright terrible is pokemon sword/shield