I never took it seriously. Thought it was a concept.
Gonna listen again now
Also in the song Power
"I shot niggas then shot movies 10 years later".
It's lil lines all in his music about it tbh
whats the point of this thread
To know a humans capable of murder is fascinating af
Rimzee did 6 and a half years for shooting at a fed
And raps about bathing in petrol. He’s deffo iced a mfer
For real?
he’s talked about it in interviews or at least alluded to it before
skip to 1:58 when he’s questioned about the blacker the berry verse
“so why i cry when trayvon martin died in the street, when gang banging made me kill a nigga blacker than me, hypocrite”
pretty sure you can connect the dots from there
Also in the song Power
"I shot niggas then shot movies 10 years later".
It's lil lines all in his music about it tbh
let’s talk about legacy, let’s talk about life and celebrity, versus integrity, verse the curse of necessity
body watching thread
he’s talked about it in interviews or at least alluded to it before
!https://youtu.be/BwXlimryKJMskip to 1:58 when he’s questioned about the blacker the berry verse
“so why i cry when trayvon martin died in the street, when gang banging made me kill a nigga blacker than me, hypocrite”
pretty sure you can connect the dots from there
I generally don’t watch interviews out of fear the artist will make a poor impression that effects my perception of the music, but man Kendrick is a chill dude to listen to.
police ass question tbh but i always thought that about kendrick
yeah i think you can kind of really tell, he doesn’t do too much tough talk and gun talk in his raps
he always gave off a vibe like a guy who’s genuinely haunted by the things he’s done + went through, it was made more prominent (if not obvious) with Mr Morale
Yall might as well just change @op to “get kendrick jammed up” thread
Once upon a time, I shot a nigga on accident (Boom, boom, boom)
I tried to kill him but I guess I needed more practicing (Boom, boom, boom)
That's when I realized banging wasn't for everybody
Switch it up before my enemy or the sheriff got me