Woke twitter
"Woke" twitter before right wing twitter huh
Instagram comment sections and certain sections of twitter
But theres so much overlap now, I see a little bit of everyone everywhere
"Woke" twitter before right wing twitter huh
it's f***in twitter
twitter slowly but surely about to be #1
discussion on there has become insufferable post-elon
It’s literally Elon d*** riding 24/7. It’s silly
If you even skim your LinkedIn feed you're already losing. Just use it to actually connect with ppl once in awhile and recruiters/job searches
I don’t have Facebook but always see screenshots of some crazy/dumb s*** ppl post on there, twitter I have but only use for following sports/music stuff but outside of that ppl are annoying af on there too, Nextdoor is just ppl complaining all the time for the most part
Twitter is an actual cesspool
Has to abandon mainstream twitter in 2019, just be tuned into creative s*** and art on it now
definitely twitter
the worst of twitter is really really bad
Don't know about that. Twitter is filled with experts on submarines, Russian politics and now even French politics. All of them below drinking age too. Major props for that conglomeration of talents.
People who say twitter just have terrible follows who interact with stupid s*** and a s*** algorithm
I see stuff that annoys me on twitter everyday but mostly I see the content I wanna see that’s neutral or just funny ass ratchet s***
People who say twitter just have terrible follows who interact with stupid s*** and a s*** algorithm
I see stuff that annoys me on twitter everyday but mostly I see the content I wanna see that’s neutral or just funny ass ratchet s***
this doesn't make any sense. the question is not, 'the worst userbase you interact with'.
horrific nonsense on twitter still exists even if you don't see it and that goes for literally every social media platform.
it's probably the hardest one to get started on and filter out the bullshit. but when you do it's good.